module Looksee module Columnizer class << self # # Arrange the given strings in columns, restricted to the given # width. Smart enough to ignore content in terminal control # sequences. # def columnize(strings, width) return '' if strings.empty? num_columns = 1 layout = [strings] loop do break if layout.first.length <= 1 next_layout = layout_in_columns(strings, num_columns + 1) break if layout_width(next_layout) > width layout = next_layout num_columns += 1 end pad_strings(layout) rectangularize_layout(layout) do |row| ' ' + row.compact.join(' ') end.join("\n") << "\n" end private # ----------------------------------------------------- def layout_in_columns(strings, num_columns) strings_per_column = (strings.length / num_columns.to_f).ceil (0...num_columns).map{|i| strings[i*strings_per_column...(i+1)*strings_per_column] || []} end def layout_width(layout) widths = layout_column_widths(layout) widths.inject(0){|sum, w| sum + w} + 2*layout.length end def layout_column_widths(layout) do |column|{|string| display_width(string)}.max || 0 end end def display_width(string) # remove terminal control sequences string.gsub(/\e\[.*?m/, '').length end def pad_strings(layout) widths = layout_column_widths(layout) layout.each_with_index do |column, i| column_width = widths[i] column.each do |string| padding = column_width - display_width(string) string << ' '*padding end end end def rectangularize_layout(layout) return if layout.length == 1 height = layout[0].length layout[1..-1].each do |column| column.length == height or column[height - 1] = nil end end end end end