Given /^I have a new Subprocess instance initialized with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command| @popen = end When /^I invoke the run method of said subprocess$/ do end When /^I invoke the wait method of said subprocess$/ do @popen.wait end Then /^the instance should have a status attribute$/ do @popen.status.should be_a_kind_of Hash end Then /^the instances exit status is "([^\"]*)"$/ do |exitstatus| @popen.status[:exitstatus].should == exitstatus.to_i end Then /^the instances stdout matches "([^\"]*)"$/ do |stdout| @popen.stdout.should match(stdout) end Then /^the instances stderr matches "([^\"]*)"$/ do |stderr| @popen.stderr.should match(stderr) end Then /^the instance should have a numerical pid$/ do be_a_kind_of Fixnum end