begin require 'pry' rescue LoadError end require 'thor' require 'frank-cucumber/launcher' require 'frank-cucumber/console' require 'frank-cucumber/frankifier' require 'frank-cucumber/mac_launcher' require 'xcodeproj' module Frank class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions def self.source_root File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..','..','frank-skeleton' ) end # included just because the old setup script was called frank-skeleton desc "skeleton", "an alias for setup" def skeleton invoke :setup end WITHOUT_SERVER = "without-cocoa-http-server" WITHOUT_ASYNC_SOCKET = "without-cocoa-async-socket" WITHOUT_LUMBERJACK = "without-cocoa-lumberjack" desc "setup", "set up your iOS app by adding a Frank subdirectory containing everything Frank needs" method_option WITHOUT_SERVER, :type => :boolean method_option WITHOUT_ASYNC_SOCKET, :type => :boolean method_option WITHOUT_LUMBERJACK, :type => :boolean method_option :build_configuration, :aliases=>'--conf', :type=>:string, :default => 'Debug' method_option :target, :type=>:string method_option :project, :type=>:string def setup @libs = %w(Shelley CocoaAsyncSocket CocoaLumberjack CocoaHTTPServer Frank) @libsMac = %w(CocoaAsyncSocketMac CocoaLumberjackMac CocoaHTTPServerMac FrankMac) @libs -= %w(CocoaHTTPServer) if options[WITHOUT_SERVER] @libsMac -= %w(CocoaHTTPServerMac) if options[WITHOUT_SERVER] @libs -= %w(CocoaAsyncSocket) if options[WITHOUT_ASYNC_SOCKET] @libsMac -= %w(CocoaAsyncSocketMac) if options[WITHOUT_ASYNC_SOCKET] @libs -= %w(CocoaLumberjack) if options[WITHOUT_LUMBERJACK] @libsMac -= %w(CocoaLumberjackMac) if options[WITHOUT_LUMBERJACK] directory ".", "Frank" Frankifier.frankify!( File.expand_path('.'), :build_config => options[:build_configuration], :target => options[:target], :project => options[:project] ) end desc "update", "updates the frank server components inside your Frank directory" long_desc "This updates the parts of Frank that are embedded inside your app (e.g. libFrank.a and frank_static_resources.bundle)" def update %w{libFrank.a libCocoaAsyncSocket.a libCocoaLumberjack.a libCocoaHTTPServer.a libShelley.a libFrankMac.a libShelleyMac.a libCocoaAsyncSocketMac.a libCocoaLumberjackMac.a libCocoaHTTPServerMac.a}.each do |f| copy_file f, File.join( 'Frank', f ), :force => true end directory( 'frank_static_resources.bundle', 'Frank/frank_static_resources.bundle', :force => true ) end XCODEBUILD_OPTIONS = %w{workspace project scheme target configuration} desc "build", "builds a Frankified version of your native app" XCODEBUILD_OPTIONS.each do |option| method_option option end method_option 'arch', :type => :string, :default => 'i386' method_option :noclean, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '--nc', :desc => "Don't clean the build directory before building" def build clean = !options['noclean'] in_root do unless 'Frank' if yes? "You don't appear to have set up a Frank directory for this project. Would you like me to set that up now? Type 'y' or 'yes' if so." invoke :skeleton else say "OK, in that case there's not much I can do for now. Whenever you change your mind and want to get your project setup with Frank simply run `frank setup` from the root of your project directory." say "Bye bye for now!" exit 11 end end end static_bundle = 'frank_static_resources.bundle' if clean remove_dir build_output_dir end build_steps = 'build' if clean build_steps = 'clean ' + build_steps end extra_opts ={ |o| "-#{o} \"#{options[o]}\"" if options[o] }.compact.join(' ') # If there is a scheme specified we don't want to inject the default configuration # If there is a configuration specified, we also do not want to inject the default configuration if options['scheme'] || options['configuration'] separate_configuration_option = "" else separate_configuration_option = "-configuration Debug" end build_mac = determine_build_patform(options) == :osx if build_mac run %Q|xcodebuild -xcconfig Frank/frankify.xcconfig #{build_steps} #{extra_opts} #{separate_configuration_option} DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES DSTROOT="#{build_output_dir}" FRANK_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS="\\"#{frank_lib_directory}\\""| else extra_opts += " -arch #{options['arch']}" run %Q|xcodebuild -xcconfig Frank/frankify.xcconfig #{build_steps} #{extra_opts} #{separate_configuration_option} -sdk iphonesimulator DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES DSTROOT="#{build_output_dir}" FRANK_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS="\\"#{frank_lib_directory}\\""| end app = Dir.glob("#{build_output_dir}/*.app").delete_if { |x| x =~ /\/#{app_bundle_name}$/ } app = app.first FileUtils.cp_r("#{app}/.", frankified_app_dir) if build_mac in_root do FileUtils.cp_r( File.join( 'Frank',static_bundle), File.join( frankified_app_dir, "Contents", "Resources", static_bundle ) ) end else fix_frankified_apps_bundle_identifier in_root do FileUtils.cp_r( File.join( 'Frank',static_bundle), File.join( frankified_app_dir, static_bundle ) ) end end end desc "build_and_launch", "rebuild a Frankfied version of your app then launch" def build_and_launch invoke :build invoke :launch end desc "launch", "open the Frankified app in the simulator" method_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false method_option :idiom, :banner => 'iphone|ipad', :type => :string, :default => (ENV['FRANK_SIM_IDIOM'] || 'iphone') def launch $DEBUG = options[:debug] launcher = case options[:idiom].downcase when 'iphone' SimLauncher::DirectClient.for_iphone_app( frankified_app_dir ) when 'ipad' SimLauncher::DirectClient.for_ipad_app( frankified_app_dir ) else say "idiom must be either iphone or ipad. You supplied '#{options[:idiom]}'", :red exit 10 end in_root do unless File.exists? frankified_app_dir say "A Frankified version of the app doesn't appear to have been built. Building one now" say "..." invoke :build end if built_product_is_mac_app( frankified_app_dir ) launcher = frankified_app_dir ) say "LAUNCHING APP..." else say "LAUNCHING IN THE SIMULATOR..." end launcher.relaunch end end desc "inspect", "launch Symbiote in the browser" long_desc "launch Symbiote in the browser so you can inspect the live state of your Frankified app" def inspect # TODO: check whether app is running (using ps or similar), and launch it if it's not run 'open http://localhost:37265' end desc 'console', "launch a ruby console connected to your Frankified app" def console # TODO: check whether app is running (using ps or similar), and launch it if it's not begin require 'pry' rescue LoadError say 'The Frank console requires the pry gem.' say 'Simply run `sudo gem install pry` (the `sudo` bit might be optional), and then try again. Thanks!' exit 41 end Frank::Cucumber::FrankHelper.use_shelley_from_now_on console = if console.check_for_running_app console.pry end end private def product_name "Frankified" end def app_bundle_name "#{product_name}.app" end def frank_lib_directory File.expand_path "Frank" end def build_output_dir File.expand_path "Frank/frankified_build" end def frankified_app_dir File.join( build_output_dir, app_bundle_name ) end def built_product_is_mac_app ( app_dir ) return File.exists? File.join( app_dir, "Contents", "MacOS" ) end def fix_frankified_apps_bundle_identifier # as of iOS 6 the iOS Simulator locks up with a black screen if you try and launch an app which has the same # bundle identifier as a previously installed app but which is in fact a different app. This impacts us because our # Frankified app is different but has the same bundle identifier as the standard non-Frankified app which most users # will want to have installed in the simulator as well. # # We work around this by modifying the Frankified app's bundle identifier inside its Info.plist. inside frankified_app_dir do existing_bundle_identifier = `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' Info.plist`.chomp new_bundle_identifier = existing_bundle_identifier + '.frankified' run %Q|/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :CFBundleIdentifier #{new_bundle_identifier}' Info.plist| run %Q|/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :CFBundleDisplayName Frankified' Info.plist| end end # The xcodeproj gem doesn't currently support schemes, and schemes have been difficult # to figure out. I plan to either implement schemes in xcodeproj at a later date, or # wait for them to be implemented, and then fix this function def determine_build_patform ( options ) project_path = nil if options["workspace"] != nil if options["scheme"] != nil workspace = Xcodeproj::Workspace.new_from_xcworkspace(options["workspace"]) projects = workspace.projpaths projects.each { | current_project | lines = `xcodebuild -project #{current_project} -list` found_schemes = false lines.split("\n").each { | line | if found_schemes line = line[8..-1] if line == "" found_schemes = false else if line == options["scheme"] project_path = current_project end end else line = line [4..-1] if line == "Schemes:" found_schemes = true end end } } else say "You must specify a scheme if you specify a workplace" exit 10 end else project_path = options["project"] end if project_path == nil Dir.foreach(Dir.pwd) { | file | if file.end_with? ".xcodeproj" if project_path != nil say "You must specify a project if there are more than one .xcodeproj bundles in a directory" exit 10 else project_path = file end end } end project = target = nil if options["target"] != nil project.targets.each { | proj_target | if == options["target"] target = proj_target end } else target = project.targets[0] end if target == nil say "Unable to determine a target from the options provided" exit 10 end return target.platform_name end end end