import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus" import { PlainTextEditor } from "panda/cms/editor/plain_text_editor" import { EditorJSInitializer } from "panda/cms/editor/editor_js_initializer" import { EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES, EDITOR_JS_CSS } from "panda/cms/editor/editor_js_config" import { ResourceLoader } from "panda/cms/editor/resource_loader" export default class extends Controller { static values = { pageId: Number, adminPath: String, autosave: Boolean } connect() { console.debug("[Panda CMS] EditorIframe controller connected") this.frame = this.element this.setupControls() this.setupFrame() this.editors = [] this.editorsInitialized = { plain: false, rich: false } this.setupSlideoverHandling() this.setupEditorInitializationListener() } setupControls() { // Create editor controls if they don't exist if (!parent.document.querySelector('.editor-controls')) { const controls = parent.document.createElement('div') controls.className = 'editor-controls' parent.document.body.appendChild(controls) } // Create save button if it doesn't exist if (!parent.document.getElementById('saveEditableButton')) { const saveButton = parent.document.createElement('a') = 'saveEditableButton' saveButton.href = '#' saveButton.textContent = 'Save Changes' saveButton.className = 'btn btn-primary' parent.document.querySelector('.editor-controls').appendChild(saveButton) } } setupFrame() { // Always show the frame initially to ensure it's visible for tests = "" = "100%" = "100%" = "500px" // Set up iframe stacking context = "relative" = "1" // Lower z-index so it doesn't block UI // Get CSRF token this.csrfToken = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]')?.content || "" // Setup frame load handler this.frame.addEventListener("load", async () => { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Frame loaded") this.frameDocument = this.frame.contentDocument || this.frame.contentWindow.document this.body = this.frameDocument.body this.head = this.frameDocument.head // Ensure iframe content is properly positioned but doesn't block UI = "relative" = "1" // Add a class to help identify this frame's editors const frameId = || Math.random().toString(36).substring(7) this.frame.setAttribute('data-editor-frame-id', frameId) this.body.setAttribute('data-editor-frame-id', frameId) // Prevent default context menu behavior this.body.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event) => { // Only prevent default if the target is part of the editor if ('.codex-editor')) { event.preventDefault() } }) // Set up error handling for the iframe this.frameDocument.defaultView.onerror = (message, source, lineno, colno, error) => { // Ignore context menu errors if (message.includes('anchor.getAttribute') && source.includes('script.js')) { return true // Prevent error from propagating } // Relay other errors to the parent window const fullMessage = `iFrame Error: ${message} (${source}:${lineno}:${colno})` console.error(fullMessage, error) // Throw the error in the parent context for Cuprite to catch setTimeout(() => { throw new Error(fullMessage) }, 0) return false // Let other errors propagate } // Set up unhandled rejection handling for the iframe this.frameDocument.defaultView.onunhandledrejection = (event) => { // Ignore context menu related rejections if (event.reason?.toString().includes('anchor.getAttribute')) { return } const fullMessage = `iFrame Unhandled Promise Rejection: ${event.reason}` console.error(fullMessage) // Throw the error in the parent context for Cuprite to catch setTimeout(() => { throw event.reason }, 0) } // Initialize editors after frame is loaded await this.initializeEditors() }) } ensureFrameVisibility() { // Force frame to be visible = "" // Check dimensions and fix if needed if (this.frame.offsetWidth === 0 || this.frame.offsetHeight === 0) { console.warn("[Panda CMS] iFrame has zero dimensions, fixing...") = "100%" = "100%" = "500px" } // Log visibility state console.debug("[Panda CMS] Frame visibility state:", { display:, width: this.frame.offsetWidth, height: this.frame.offsetHeight, visible: this.frame.offsetParent !== null }) } setupEditorInitializationListener() { // Listen for the custom event to initialize editors this.frame.addEventListener("load", () => { const win = this.frame.contentWindow || this.frame.contentDocument.defaultView win.addEventListener('panda-cms:initialize-editors', async () => { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Received initialize-editors event") await this.initializeEditors() }) }) } async initializeEditors() { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Starting editor initialization") // Get all editable elements const plainTextElements = this.body.querySelectorAll('[data-editable-kind="plain_text"], [data-editable-kind="markdown"], [data-editable-kind="html"]') const richTextElements = this.body.querySelectorAll('[data-editable-kind="rich_text"]') console.debug(`[Panda CMS] Found ${plainTextElements.length} plain text elements and ${richTextElements.length} rich text elements`) // Always ensure frame is visible this.ensureFrameVisibility() // Initialize editors if they exist if (plainTextElements.length > 0 || richTextElements.length > 0) { try { // Load resources first await this.loadEditorResources() // Initialize editors await Promise.all([ this.initializePlainTextEditors(), this.initializeRichTextEditors() ]) console.debug("[Panda CMS] All editors initialized successfully") } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Error initializing editors:", error) throw error } } } async loadEditorResources() { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Loading editor resources in iframe...") try { // First load core EditorJS await ResourceLoader.loadScript(this.frameDocument, this.frameDocument.head, EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES[0]) // Wait for EditorJS to be available with increased timeout let timeout = 10000 // 10 seconds const start = while ( - start < timeout) { if (this.frameDocument.defaultView.EditorJS) { console.debug("[Panda CMS] EditorJS core loaded successfully") break } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)) } if (!this.frameDocument.defaultView.EditorJS) { throw new Error("Timeout waiting for EditorJS core to load") } // Load CSS await ResourceLoader.embedCSS(this.frameDocument, this.frameDocument.head, EDITOR_JS_CSS) // Then load all tools sequentially for (const resource of EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES.slice(1)) { await ResourceLoader.loadScript(this.frameDocument, this.frameDocument.head, resource) } console.debug("[Panda CMS] All editor resources loaded successfully") } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Error loading editor resources:", error) throw error } } waitForEditorJS() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error("Timeout waiting for EditorJS to load")) }, 10000) const check = () => { if (this.frameDocument.defaultView.EditorJS) { clearTimeout(timeout) resolve() } else { setTimeout(check, 100) } } check() }) } waitForTool(toolName) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error(`Timeout waiting for ${toolName} to load`)) }, 10000) // Map tool names to their expected global class names const toolClassMap = { 'paragraph': 'Paragraph', 'header': 'Header', 'nested-list': 'NestedList', 'quote': 'Quote', 'simple-image': 'SimpleImage', 'table': 'Table', 'embed': 'Embed' } const check = () => { // Get the expected class name for this tool const expectedClassName = toolClassMap[toolName] || toolName const toolClass = this.frameDocument.defaultView[expectedClassName] console.debug(`[Panda CMS] Checking for tool ${toolName} -> ${expectedClassName}:`, { toolFound: !!toolClass, availableClasses: Object.keys(this.frameDocument.defaultView).filter(key => key.includes('Header') || key.includes('Paragraph') || key.includes('List') || key.includes('Quote') || key.includes('Image') || key.includes('Table') || key.includes('Embed') ) }) if (toolClass) { clearTimeout(timeout) resolve() } else { setTimeout(check, 100) } } check() }) } initializePlainTextEditors() { this.editorsInitialized.plain = false const plainTextElements = this.body.querySelectorAll('[data-editable-kind="plain_text"], [data-editable-kind="markdown"], [data-editable-kind="html"]') console.debug(`[Panda CMS] Found ${plainTextElements.length} plain text elements`) plainTextElements.forEach(element => { const editor = new PlainTextEditor(element, this.frameDocument, { autosave: this.autosaveValue, adminPath: this.adminPathValue, csrfToken: this.csrfToken }) this.editors.push(editor) }) this.editorsInitialized.plain = true this.checkAllEditorsInitialized() } async initializeRichTextEditors() { = false const richTextElements = this.body.querySelectorAll('[data-editable-kind="rich_text"]') console.debug(`[Panda CMS] Found ${richTextElements.length} rich text elements`) if (richTextElements.length > 0) { try { // Verify Editor.js is available in the iframe context if (!this.frameDocument.defaultView.EditorJS) { const error = new Error("Editor.js not loaded in iframe context") console.error("[Panda CMS]", error) throw error } const initializer = new EditorJSInitializer(this.frameDocument, true) // Initialize each editor sequentially to avoid race conditions const editors = [] for (const element of richTextElements) { try { // Skip already initialized editors if (element.dataset.editableInitialized === 'true' && element.querySelector('.codex-editor')) { console.debug('[Panda CMS] Editor already initialized:', continue } console.debug('[Panda CMS] Initializing editor for element:', { id:, kind: element.getAttribute('data-editable-kind'), blockContentId: element.getAttribute('data-editable-block-content-id') }) // Create holder element before initialization const holderId = `editor-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}` const holderElement = this.frameDocument.createElement('div') = holderId holderElement.className = 'editor-js-holder codex-editor' // Clear any existing content element.textContent = '' element.appendChild(holderElement) // Get previous data from the data attribute if available let previousData = { blocks: [] } const previousDataAttr = element.getAttribute('data-editable-previous-data') if (previousDataAttr) { try { let parsedData try { // First try to parse as base64 const decodedData = atob(previousDataAttr) console.debug('[Panda CMS] Decoded base64 data:', decodedData) parsedData = JSON.parse(decodedData) } catch (e) { // If base64 fails, try direct JSON parse console.debug('[Panda CMS] Trying direct JSON parse') parsedData = JSON.parse(previousDataAttr) } // Check if we have double-encoded data if (parsedData.blocks?.length === 1 && parsedData.blocks[0]?.type === 'paragraph' && parsedData.blocks[0]?.data?.text) { try { // Try to parse the inner JSON const innerData = JSON.parse(parsedData.blocks[0].data.text) if (innerData.blocks) { console.debug('[Panda CMS] Found double-encoded data, using inner content:', innerData) parsedData = innerData } } catch (e) { // If parsing fails, use the outer data console.debug('[Panda CMS] Not double-encoded data, using as is') } } if (parsedData && typeof parsedData === 'object' && Array.isArray(parsedData.blocks)) { previousData = parsedData console.debug('[Panda CMS] Using previous data:', previousData) } else { console.warn('[Panda CMS] Invalid data format:', parsedData) } } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Error parsing previous data:", error) // If we can't parse the data, try to use it as plain text previousData = { time:, blocks: [ { type: "paragraph", data: { text: element.textContent || "" } } ], version: "2.28.2" } } } // Initialize editor with retry logic let editor = null let retryCount = 0 const maxRetries = 3 while (!editor && retryCount < maxRetries) { try { console.debug(`[Panda CMS] Editor initialization attempt ${retryCount + 1}`) editor = await initializer.initialize(holderElement, previousData, holderId) console.debug('[Panda CMS] Editor initialized successfully:', editor) // Set up autosave if enabled if (this.autosaveValue) { editor.isReady.then(() => { => { const jsonString = JSON.stringify(outputData) element.dataset.editablePreviousData = btoa(jsonString) element.dataset.editableContent = jsonString element.dataset.editableInitialized = 'true' }) }) } break } catch (error) { console.warn(`[Panda CMS] Editor initialization attempt ${retryCount + 1} failed:`, error) retryCount++ if (retryCount === maxRetries) { throw error } // Wait before retrying await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) } } // Set up save handler for this editor const saveButton = parent.document.getElementById('saveEditableButton') if (saveButton) { saveButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { try { const outputData = await console.debug('[Panda CMS] Editor save data:', outputData) const pageId = element.getAttribute("data-editable-page-id") const blockContentId = element.getAttribute("data-editable-block-content-id") const response = await fetch(`${this.adminPathValue}/pages/${pageId}/block_contents/${blockContentId}`, { method: "PATCH", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-CSRF-Token": this.csrfToken }, body: JSON.stringify({ content: outputData }) }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Save failed') } // Update the data attributes with the new content const jsonString = JSON.stringify(outputData) element.dataset.editablePreviousData = btoa(jsonString) element.dataset.editableContent = jsonString element.dataset.editableInitialized = 'true' this.handleSuccess() } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Save error:", error) this.handleError(error) } }) } else { console.warn("[Panda CMS] Save button not found") } if (editor) { editors.push(editor) } } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Editor initialization error:", error) throw error } } // Filter out any null editors and add the valid ones const validEditors = editors.filter(editor => editor !== null) this.editors.push(...validEditors) // If we didn't get any valid editors, that's an error if (validEditors.length === 0 && richTextElements.length > 0) { const error = new Error("No editors were successfully initialized") console.error("[Panda CMS]", error) throw error } = true this.checkAllEditorsInitialized() } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Rich text editor initialization failed:", error) throw error } } else { = true this.checkAllEditorsInitialized() } } checkAllEditorsInitialized() { console.log("[Panda CMS] Editor initialization status:", this.editorsInitialized) // Always ensure frame is visible this.ensureFrameVisibility() } handleError(error) { const errorMessage = parent.document.getElementById("errorMessage") if (errorMessage) { errorMessage.getElementsByClassName('flash-message-text')[0].textContent = error errorMessage.classList.remove("hidden") setTimeout(() => { errorMessage.classList.add("hidden") }, 3000) } console.error("[Panda CMS] Error:", error) // Throw the error to fail the test throw error } handleSuccess() { const successMessage = parent.document.getElementById("successMessage") if (successMessage) { successMessage.classList.remove("hidden") setTimeout(() => { successMessage.classList.add("hidden") }, 3000) } } setupSlideoverHandling() { // Watch for slideover toggle const slideoverToggle = document.getElementById('slideover-toggle') const slideover = document.getElementById('slideover') if (slideoverToggle && slideover) { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { if (mutation.attributeName === 'class') { const isVisible = !slideover.classList.contains('hidden') this.adjustFrameZIndex(isVisible) } }) }) observer.observe(slideover, { attributes: true }) // Initial state this.adjustFrameZIndex(!slideover.classList.contains('hidden')) } } adjustFrameZIndex(slideoverVisible) { if (slideoverVisible) { // Lower z-index when slideover is visible = "0" if (this.body) = "0" } else { // Restore z-index when slideover is hidden = "1" if (this.body) = "1" } console.debug("[Panda CMS] Adjusted frame z-index:", { slideoverVisible, frameZIndex:, bodyZIndex: this.body?.style.zIndex }) } }