#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true $LOAD_PATH << __dir__ @oj_dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__dir__)) %w(lib ext).each do |dir| $LOAD_PATH << File.join(@oj_dir, dir) end require 'minitest' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'stringio' require 'date' require 'bigdecimal' require 'uri' require 'oj' # Simple version of WAB::UUID for testing. module WAB class UUID attr_reader :id def initialize(id) @id = id.downcase raise StandardError.new('Invalid UUID format.') if /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/.match(@id).nil? end def to_s @id end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && @id == other.id end end # UUID end # WAB class WabJuice < Minitest::Test module TestModule end def test_nil dump_and_load(nil, false) end def test_true dump_and_load(true, false) end def test_false dump_and_load(false, false) end def test_fixnum dump_and_load(0, false) dump_and_load(12_345, false) dump_and_load(-54_321, false) dump_and_load(1, false) end def test_float dump_and_load(0.0, false) dump_and_load(12_345.6789, false) dump_and_load(70.35, false) dump_and_load(-54_321.012, false) dump_and_load(1.7775, false) dump_and_load(2.5024, false) dump_and_load(2.48e16, false) dump_and_load(2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) dump_and_load(-2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) end def test_nan_dump assert_raises() { Oj.dump(0/0.0, mode: :wab) } end def test_infinity_dump assert_raises() { Oj.dump(1/0.0, mode: :wab) } end def test_neg_infinity_dump assert_raises() { Oj.dump(-1/0.0, mode: :wab) } end def test_string dump_and_load('', false) dump_and_load('abc', false) dump_and_load("abc\ndef", false) dump_and_load("a\u0041", false) end def test_encode dump_and_load('ぴーたー', false) end def test_array dump_and_load([], false) dump_and_load([true, false], false) dump_and_load(['a', 1, nil], false) dump_and_load([[nil]], false) dump_and_load([[nil], 58], false) end def test_array_deep dump_and_load([1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, [7, [8, [9, [10, [11, [12, [13, [14, [15, [16, [17, [18, [19, [20]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], false) end def test_deep_nest skip 'TruffleRuby causes SEGV' if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' begin n = 10_000 Oj.wab_load(('[' * n) + (']' * n)) rescue Exception => e refute(e.message) end end # Hash def test_hash dump_and_load({}, false) dump_and_load({ tru: true, fals: false}, false) dump_and_load({ tru: true, array: [], hash: {}}, false) end def test_hash_non_sym_keys assert_raises() { Oj.dump({ 'true' => true}, mode: :wab) } end def test_hash_deep dump_and_load({x1: { x2: { x3: { x4: { x5: { x6: { x7: { x8: { x9: { x10: { x11: { x12: { x13: { x14: { x15: { x16: { x17: { x18: { x19: { x20: {}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, false) end def test_non_str_hash assert_raises() { Oj.dump({ 1 => true, 0 => false }, mode: :wab) } end def test_bignum_object dump_and_load(7**55, false) end # BigDecimal def test_bigdecimal_wab dump_and_load(BigDecimal('3.14159265358979323846'), false) end def test_bigdecimal_load orig = BigDecimal('80.51') json = Oj.dump(orig, mode: :wab) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :wab, :bigdecimal_load => true) assert_equal(BigDecimal, bg.class) assert_equal(orig, bg) end def test_range assert_raises() { Oj.dump(1..7, mode: :wab) } end # Stream IO def test_io_string json = %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } } input = StringIO.new(json) obj = Oj.wab_load(input) assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_io_file filename = File.join(__dir__, 'open_file_test.json') File.write(filename, %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } }) f = File.new(filename) obj = Oj.wab_load(f) f.close() assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_symbol json = Oj.dump(:abc, mode: :wab) assert_equal('"abc"', json) end def test_time t = Time.gm(2017, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7, 123_456.789) json = Oj.dump(t, mode: :wab) assert_equal('"2017-01-05T23:58:07.123456789Z"', json) # must load and convert to json as the Time#== does not match identical # times due to the way it tracks fractional seconds. loaded = Oj.wab_load(json) assert_equal(json, Oj.dump(loaded, mode: :wab), 'json mismatch after load') end def test_uuid u = ::WAB::UUID.new('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000') json = Oj.dump(u, mode: :wab) assert_equal('"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"', json) dump_and_load(u, false) end def test_uri u = URI('http://opo.technology/sample') json = Oj.dump(u, mode: :wab) assert_equal('"http://opo.technology/sample"', json) dump_and_load(u, false) end def test_class assert_raises() { Oj.dump(WabJuice, mode: :wab) } end def test_module assert_raises() { Oj.dump(TestModule, mode: :wab) } end # symbol_keys option def test_symbol_keys json = %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } } obj = Oj.wab_load(json, :symbol_keys => true) assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end # comments def test_comment_slash json = %{{ "x":true,//three "y":58, "z": [1,2, 3 // six ]} } obj = Oj.wab_load(json) assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment_c json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3]} } obj = Oj.wab_load(json) assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true,//three "y":58/*four*/, "z": [1,2/*five*/, 3 // six ] } } obj = Oj.wab_load(json) assert_equal({ x: true, y: 58, z: [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_double json = %{{ "x": 1}{ "y": 2}} results = [] Oj.load(json, :mode => :wab) { |x| results << x } assert_equal([{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], results) end def dump_and_load(obj, trace=false) json = Oj.dump(obj, mode: :wab, indent: 2) puts json if trace loaded = Oj.wab_load(json) if obj.nil? assert_nil(loaded) else assert_equal(obj, loaded) end loaded end end