module Metanorma module Utils class LineStatus # document attribute in the middle of a document, not in a header attr_reader :middoc_docattr # block attribute associated with preformatted text, e.g. [source] attr_reader :is_delim # block delimiter for preformatted text, e.g. ==== attr_reader :delimln # passthrough block delimiter attr_reader :pass_delim # passthrough block attr_reader :pass # record previous line read attr_reader :prev_line def initialize # process as passthrough: init = true until hit end of document header @pass = true @delim = false @pass_delim = false @delimln = "" end def process(line) text = line.rstrip text == "++++" && !@delimln and @pass = !@pass if @middoc_docattr && !/^:[^ :]+:($| )/.match?(text) @middoc_docattr = false @pass = false elsif (@is_delim && /^(--+|\*\*+|==+|__+)$/.match?(text)) || (!@is_delim && !@delimln && /^-----*$|^\.\.\.\.\.*$|^\/\/\/\/\/*$/ .match?(text)) @delimln = text @pass = true elsif @pass_delim @pass = true @delimln = "" # end of paragraph for paragraph with [pass] elsif @delimln && text == @delimln @pass = false @delimln = nil elsif /^:[^ :]+:($| )/.match?(text) && (@prev_line.empty? || @middoc_docattr) @pass = true @middoc_docattr = true end @is_delim = /^\[(source|listing|literal|pass|comment)\b/.match?(text) @pass_delim = /^\[(pass)\b/.match?(text) @prev_line = text.strip end end end end