require "fileutils" module Relaton class DbCache # @return [String] attr_reader :dir # @param dir [String] DB directory def initialize(dir, ext = "xml") @dir = dir @ext = ext FileUtils::mkdir_p @dir file_version = "#{@dir}/version" set_version unless File.exist? file_version end # Save item # @param key [String] # @param value [String] Bibitem xml serialization def []=(key, value) if value.nil? delete key return end prefix_dir = "#{@dir}/#{prefix(key)}" FileUtils::mkdir_p prefix_dir File.write filename(key), value, encoding: "utf-8" end # Read item # @param key [String] # @return [String] def [](key) value = get(key) if (code = redirect? value) self[code] else value end end def clone_entry(key, db) self[key] ||= db.get(key) if (code = redirect? get(key)) clone_entry code, db end end # Return fetched date # @param key [String] # @return [String] def fetched(key) value = self[key] return unless value if value =~ /^not_found/ value.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/).to_s else doc = Nokogiri::XML value"/bibitem/fetched|bibdata/fetched")&.text end end # Returns all items # @return [Array] def all Dir.glob("#{@dir}/**/*.xml") do |f|, encoding: "utf-8") end end # Delete item # @param key [String] def delete(key) file = filename key File.delete file if File.exist? file end # Check if version of the DB match to the gem version. # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def check_version? v = @dir + "/version", encoding: "utf-8" v.strip == VERSION end # Set version of the DB to the gem version. # @return [Relaton::DbCache] def set_version File.write @dir + "/version", VERSION, encoding: "utf-8" self end # if cached reference is undated, expire it after 60 days # @param key [String] # @param year [String] def valid_entry?(key, year) datestr = fetched key return false unless datestr date = Date.parse datestr year || - date < 60 end protected # Reads file by a key # # @param key [String] # @return [String, NilClass] def get(key) file = filename key return unless File.exist? file, encoding: "utf-8") end private # Check if a file content is redirection # # @prarm value [String] file content # @return [String, NilClass] redirection code or nil def redirect?(value) %r{redirection\s(?.*)} =~ value code end # Return item's file name # @param key [String] # @return [String] def filename(key) prefcode = key.downcase.match /^(?[^\(]+)\((?[^\)]+)/ fn = if prefcode "#{prefcode[:prefix]}/#{prefcode[:code].gsub(/[-:\s\/\()]/, '_').squeeze("_")}" else key.gsub(/[-:\s]/, "_") end "#{@dir}/#{fn.sub(/(,|_$)/, '')}.#{@ext}" end # Return item's subdir # @param key [String] # @return [String] def prefix(key) # @registry.processors.detect do |_n, p| # /^#{p.prefix}/.match(key) || processor.defaultprefix.match(key) # end[1].prefix.downcase key.downcase.match(/^[^\(]+(?=\()/).to_s end class << self private def global_bibliocache_name "#{Dir.home}/.relaton/cache" end def local_bibliocache_name(cachename) return nil if cachename.nil? cachename = "relaton" if cachename.empty? "#{cachename}/cache" end public # Initialse and return relaton instance, with local and global cache names # local_cache: local cache name; none created if nil; "relaton" created if empty # global_cache: boolean to create global_cache # flush_caches: flush caches def init_bib_caches(opts) globalname = global_bibliocache_name if opts[:global_cache] localname = local_bibliocache_name(opts[:local_cache]) localname = "relaton" if localname&.empty? if opts[:flush_caches] FileUtils.rm_f globalname unless globalname.nil? FileUtils.rm_f localname unless localname.nil? end, localname) end end end end