module RelatonIec class IecBibliographicItem < RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem DOCTYPES = %w[ international-standard technical-specification technical-report publicly-available-specification international-workshop-agreement guide industry-technical-agreement system-reference-deliverable ].freeze SUBDOCTYPES = %w[specification method-of-test vocabulary code-of-practice].freeze FUNCTION = %w[emc safety enviroment quality-assurance].freeze # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :function, :updates_document_type, :price_code, :secretary, :interest_to_committees # @return [Boolean, nil] attr_reader :accessibility_color_inside, :cen_processing # attr_reader :tc_sc_officers_note # # Initialize instance of RelatonIec::IecBibliographicItem # # @param [Hash] **args hash of attributes # @option args [String, nil] :function function # @option args [String, nil] :updates_document_type updates document type # @option args [String, nil] :price_code price code # @option args [Boolean, nil] :cen_processing # @option args [String, nil] :secretary # @option args [String, nil] :secretary secretary # @option args [String, nil] :interest_to_committees interest to committees # @option args [Boolean, nil] :accessibility_color_inside accessibility color inside # def initialize(**args) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength if args[:function] && !FUNCTION.include?(args[:function]) Util.warn "WARNING: Invalid function: `#{args[:function]}`" Util.warn "Allowed function values are: `#{FUNCTION.join('`, `')}`" end if args[:updates_document_type] && !DOCTYPES.include?(args[:updates_document_type]) Util.warn "WARNING: Invalid updates_document_type: `#{args[:updates_document_type]}`" Util.warn "Allowed updates_document_type values are: `#{DOCTYPES.join('`, `')}`" end @function = args.delete :function @updates_document_type = args.delete :updates_document_type @accessibility_color_inside = args.delete :accessibility_color_inside @price_code = args.delete :price_code @cen_processing = args.delete :cen_processing @secretary = args.delete :secretary @interest_to_committees = args.delete :interest_to_committees super end # # Fetch flavor schema version # # @return [String] schema version # def ext_schema schema_versions["relaton-model-iec"] end # @param hash [Hash] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IecBibliographicItem] def self.from_hash(hash) item_hash = ::RelatonIec::HashConverter.hash_to_bib(hash) new(**item_hash) end # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] :builder XML builder # @option opts [Boolean] :bibdata # @option opts [String] :lang language # @return [String] XML def to_xml(**opts) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity super(**opts) do |b| if opts[:bibdata] ext = b.ext do b.doctype doctype if doctype b.horizontal horizontal unless horizontal.nil? b.function function if function editorialgroup&.to_xml b ics.each { |i| i.to_xml b } structuredidentifier&.to_xml b b.stagename stagename if stagename if updates_document_type b.send(:"updates-document-type", updates_document_type) end unless accessibility_color_inside.nil? b.send(:"accessibility-color-inside", accessibility_color_inside) end b.send(:"price-code", price_code) if price_code b.send(:"cen-processing", cen_processing) unless cen_processing.nil? b.secretary secretary if secretary if interest_to_committees b.send(:"interest-to-committees", interest_to_committees) end end ext["schema-version"] = ext_schema unless opts[:embedded] end end end # @return [Hash] def to_hash(embedded: false) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity hash = super hash["function"] = function if function if updates_document_type hash["updates_document_type"] = updates_document_type end unless accessibility_color_inside.nil? hash["accessibility_color_inside"] = accessibility_color_inside end hash["price_code"] = price_code if price_code hash["cen_processing"] = cen_processing unless cen_processing.nil? hash["secretary"] = secretary if secretary if interest_to_committees hash["interest_to_committees"] = interest_to_committees end hash end end end