module Kitabu class Syntax autoload :Highlight, "kitabu/syntax/highlight" attr_reader :io attr_reader :lines attr_reader :root_dir attr_reader :format # Render syntax blocks from specified source code. # # dir = # text ="text/some_file.textile")) # Kitabu::Syntax.render(dir, :textile, text) # def self.render(root_dir, format, source_code, raw = false) source_code.gsub(/@@@(.*?)@@@/m) do |match| new(root_dir, format, $1, raw).process end end # Process each syntax block individually. # def initialize(root_dir, format, code, raw = false) @format = format @root_dir = root_dir @io = @lines = io.readlines.collect(&:chomp) @language = 'text' if raw end # Return unprocessed line codes. # def raw lines[1..-1].join("\n") end # Return meta data from syntax annotation. # def meta @meta ||= begin line = lines.first.squish _, language, file, modifier, reference = *line.match(/^([^ ]+)(?: ([^:#]+)(?:(:|#)(.*?))?)?$/) if modifier == "#" type = :block elsif modifier == ":" type = :range elsif file type = :file else type = :inline end { :language => language, :file => file, :type => type, :reference => reference } end end # Process syntax block, returning a +pre+ HTML tag. # def process code = raw.to_s.strip_heredoc code = process_file.gsub(/\n^.*?@(begin|end):.*?$/, "") if meta[:file] code = Highlight.apply(code, language) # escape for textile code = %[#{code}] if format == :textile code end private # Process line range as in @@@ ruby some_file.rb:15,20 @@@. # def process_range(code) starts, ends = meta[:reference].split(",").collect(&:to_i) code =[starts-1..ends-1].join("\n").strip_heredoc.chomp end # Process block name as in @@@ ruby some_file.rb#some_block @@@. # def process_block(code) code.gsub!(/\r\n/, "\n") re = %r[@begin: *\b(#{meta[:reference]})\b *[^\n]*\n(.*?)\n[^\n]*@end: \1]im if code.match(re) $2.strip_heredoc else "[missing '#{meta[:reference]}' block name]" end end # Process file and its relatives. # def process_file file_path = root_dir.join("code/#{meta[:file]}") if File.exist?(file_path) code = if meta[:type] == :range process_range(code) elsif meta[:type] == :block process_block(code) else code end else "[missing 'code/#{meta[:file]}' file]" end end # Return e-book's configuration. # def config Kitabu.config(root_dir) end # Return the language used for this syntax block. Overrideable # for epub generation. def language @language || meta[:language] end end end