class Bio::PolyploidTools::ChromosomeArm @@arm_selection_functions =; #example format: chr2A @@arm_selection_functions[:nrgene] = lambda do | contig_name | ret = contig_name[3,2] return ret end @@arm_selection_functions[:first_two] = lambda do | contig_name | contig_name.gsub!(/chr/,"") ret = contig_name[0,2] return ret end #Function to parse stuff like: "IWGSC_CSS_1AL_scaff_110" #Or the first two characters in the contig name, to deal with #pseudomolecules that start with headers like: "1A" #And with the cases when 3B is named with the prefix: v443 @@arm_selection_functions[:embl] = lambda do | contig_name| arr = contig_name.split('_') ret = "U" ret = arr[2][0,2] if arr.size >= 3 ret = "3B" if arr.size == 2 and arr[0] == "v443" ret = arr[0][0,2] if arr.size == 1 return ret end @@arm_selection_functions[:morex] = lambda do | contig_name | ret = contig_name.split(':')[0].split("_")[1]; return ret end @@arm_selection_functions[:scaffold] = lambda do | contig_name | ret = contig_name; return ret end def self.getArmSelection(name) @@arm_selection_functions[name.to_sym] end def self.getValidFunctions { |e| e.to_s } end end