# frozen_string_literal: true
module Net::IMAP::SASL
# Registry for SASL authenticators
# Registered authenticators must respond to +#new+ or +#call+ (e.g. a class or
# a proc), receiving any credentials and options and returning an
# authenticator instance. The returned object represents a single
# authentication exchange and must not be reused for multiple
# authentication attempts.
# An authenticator instance object must respond to +#process+, receiving the
# server's challenge and returning the client's response. Optionally, it may
# also respond to +#initial_response?+ and +#done?+. When
# +#initial_response?+ returns +true+, +#process+ may be called the first
# time with +nil+. When +#done?+ returns +false+, the exchange is incomplete
# and an exception should be raised if the exchange terminates prematurely.
# See the source for PlainAuthenticator, XOAuth2Authenticator, and
# ScramSHA1Authenticator for examples.
class Authenticators
# Normalize the mechanism name as an uppercase string, with underscores
# converted to dashes.
def self.normalize_name(mechanism) -(mechanism.to_s.upcase.tr(?_, ?-)) end
# Create a new Authenticators registry.
# This class is usually not instantiated directly. Use SASL.authenticators
# to reuse the default global registry.
# When +use_defaults+ is +false+, the registry will start empty. When
# +use_deprecated+ is +false+, deprecated authenticators will not be
# included with the defaults.
def initialize(use_defaults: true, use_deprecated: true)
@authenticators = {}
return unless use_defaults
add_authenticator "Anonymous"
add_authenticator "External"
add_authenticator "OAuthBearer"
add_authenticator "Plain"
add_authenticator "Scram-SHA-1"
add_authenticator "Scram-SHA-256"
add_authenticator "XOAuth2"
return unless use_deprecated
add_authenticator "Login" # deprecated
add_authenticator "Cram-MD5" # deprecated
add_authenticator "Digest-MD5" # deprecated
# Returns the names of all registered SASL mechanisms.
def names; @authenticators.keys end
# :call-seq:
# add_authenticator(mechanism)
# add_authenticator(mechanism, authenticator_class)
# add_authenticator(mechanism, authenticator_proc)
# Registers an authenticator for #authenticator to use. +mechanism+ is the
# name of the
# {SASL mechanism}[https://www.iana.org/assignments/sasl-mechanisms/sasl-mechanisms.xhtml]
# implemented by +authenticator_class+ (for instance, "PLAIN").
# If +mechanism+ refers to an existing authenticator,
# the old authenticator will be replaced.
# When only a single argument is given, the authenticator class will be
# lazily loaded from Net::IMAP::SASL::#{name}Authenticator (case is
# preserved and non-alphanumeric characters are removed..
def add_authenticator(name, authenticator = nil)
authenticator ||= begin
class_name = "#{name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, "")}Authenticator".to_sym
auth_class = nil
->(*creds, **props, &block) {
auth_class ||= Net::IMAP::SASL.const_get(class_name)
auth_class.new(*creds, **props, &block)
key = Authenticators.normalize_name(name)
@authenticators[key] = authenticator
# Removes the authenticator registered for +name+
def remove_authenticator(name)
key = Authenticators.normalize_name(name)
def mechanism?(name)
key = Authenticators.normalize_name(name)
# :call-seq:
# authenticator(mechanism, ...) -> auth_session
# Builds an authenticator instance using the authenticator registered to
# +mechanism+. The returned object represents a single authentication
# exchange and must not be reused for multiple authentication
# attempts.
# All arguments (except +mechanism+) are forwarded to the registered
# authenticator's +#new+ or +#call+ method. Each authenticator must
# document its own arguments.
# [Note]
# This method is intended for internal use by connection protocol code
# only. Protocol client users should see refer to their client's
# documentation, e.g. Net::IMAP#authenticate.
def authenticator(mechanism, ...)
key = Authenticators.normalize_name(mechanism)
auth = @authenticators.fetch(key) do
raise ArgumentError, 'unknown auth type - "%s"' % key
auth.respond_to?(:new) ? auth.new(...) : auth.call(...)
alias new authenticator