require 'optparse' require 'pidfile' module RabbitFeed class Client include ActiveModel::Validations DEFAULTS = { payload: 'test', require_path: '.', config_file: 'config/rabbit_feed.yml', logfile: 'log/rabbit_feed.log', pidfile: 'tmp/pids/', } DEFAULTS.freeze attr_reader :command, :options validates_presence_of :command, :options validates :command, inclusion: { in: %w(consume produce shutdown), message: "%{value} is not a valid command" } validate :log_file_path_exists validate :config_file_exists validate :require_path_valid validate :pidfile_path_exists, if: :daemonize? validate :environment_specified def initialize arguments=ARGV @command = arguments[0] @options = parse_options arguments unless shutdown? validate! set_logging set_configuration load_dependancies end end def run send(command) end private def validate! raise errors.messages if invalid? end def log_file_path_exists errors.add(:options, "log file path not found: '#{options[:logfile]}', specify this using the --logfile option") unless Dir.exists?(File.dirname(options[:logfile])) end def config_file_exists errors.add(:options, "configuration file not found: '#{options[:config_file]}', specify this using the --config option") unless File.exists?(options[:config_file]) end def require_path_valid if require_rails? && !File.exist?("#{options[:require_path]}/config/application.rb") errors.add(:options, 'point rabbit_feed to a Rails 3/4 application or a Ruby file to load your worker classes with --require') end end def pidfile_path_exists errors.add(:options, "pid file path not found: '#{options[:pidfile]}', specify this using the --pidfile option") unless Dir.exists?(File.dirname(options[:pidfile])) end def environment_specified errors.add(:options, '--environment not specified') unless environment.present? end def consume daemonize if daemonize? end def shutdown `kill -TERM #{pid}` end def pid[:pidfile]).to_i end def produce RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event options[:name], options[:payload] end def set_logging RabbitFeed.log =[:logfile], 10, 100.megabytes) RabbitFeed.log.level = verbose? ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO RabbitFeed.log.formatter = RabbitFeed::JsonLogFormatter end def set_configuration RabbitFeed.environment = environment RabbitFeed.application = options[:application] RabbitFeed.configuration_file_path = options[:config_file] ENV['RACK_ENV'] ||= RabbitFeed.environment ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= RabbitFeed.environment end def load_dependancies if require_rails? require 'rails' require File.expand_path("#{options[:require_path]}/config/environment.rb") ::Rails.application.eager_load! else require options[:require_path] end end def daemonize Process.daemon(true, true) pid_path = File.split options[:pidfile] pid_path[0], pidfile: pid_path[1]) end def environment [options[:environment], ENV['RACK_ENV'], ENV['RAILS_ENV']].detect(&:present?) end def shutdown? command == 'shutdown' end def daemonize? options[:daemon] end def verbose? options[:verbose] end def require_rails?[:require_path]) end def parse_options argv opts = {} parser = do |o| o.on '-a', '--application VAL', 'Name of the application' do |arg| opts[:application] = arg end o.on '-m', '--payload VAL', 'Payload of event to produce' do |arg| opts[:payload] = arg end o.on '-n', '--name VAL', 'Name of event to produce' do |arg| opts[:name] = arg end o.on '-d', '--daemon', 'Daemonize process' do |arg| opts[:daemon] = arg end o.on '-e', '--environment ENV', 'Application environment' do |arg| opts[:environment] = arg end o.on '-r', '--require [PATH|DIR]', 'Location of Rails application with workers or file to require' do |arg| opts[:require_path] = arg end o.on '-v', '--verbose', 'Print more verbose output' do |arg| opts[:verbose] = arg end o.on '-C', '--config PATH', 'Path to YAML config file' do |arg| opts[:config_file] = arg end o.on '-L', '--logfile PATH', 'Path to writable logfile' do |arg| opts[:logfile] = arg end o.on '-P', '--pidfile PATH', 'Path to pidfile' do |arg| opts[:pidfile] = arg end o.on '-V', '--version', 'Print version and exit' do |arg| puts "RabbitFeed #{RabbitFeed::VERSION}" exit 0 end end parser.banner = 'rabbit_feed action [options]' parser.on_tail '-h', '--help', 'Show help' do puts parser exit 1 end parser.parse! argv DEFAULTS.merge opts end end end