module Effective module Resources module Forms # Used by effective_form_submit # The actions we would use to commit. For link_to # { 'Save': { action: :save }, 'Continue': { action: :save }, 'Add New': { action: :save }, 'Approve': { action: :approve } } # Saves a list of commit actions... def submits @submits ||= {}.tap do |submits| if (actions.find { |a| a == :create } || actions.find { |a| a == :update }) submits['Save'] = { action: :save, default: true, class: 'btn btn-primary' } end member_post_actions.each do |action| # default true means it will be overwritten by dsl methods submits[action.to_s.titleize] = { action: action, default: true, class: 'btn btn-primary' } end if actions.find { |a| a == :index } submits['Continue'] = { action: :save, default: true, redirect: :index } end if actions.find { |a| a == :new } submits['Add New'] = { action: :save, default: true, redirect: :new } end end end # Here we look at all available (class level) member actions, see which ones apply to the current resource # This feeds into the helper simple_form_submit(f) # Returns a Hash of {'Save': {data-disable-with: 'Saving...'}, 'Approve': {data-disable-with: 'Approve'}} def submits_for(obj, controller:) do |commit, args| args[:class] = args[:class].to_s action = (args[:action] == :save ? (obj.new_record? ? :create : :update) : args[:action]) (args.key?(:if) ? obj.instance_exec(&args[:if]) : true) && (args.key?(:unless) ? !obj.instance_exec(&args[:unless]) : true) && EffectiveResources.authorized?(controller, action, obj) end.transform_values.with_index do |opts, index| if opts[:class].blank? if index == 0 opts[:class] = 'btn btn-primary' elsif defined?(EffectiveBootstrap) opts[:class] = 'btn btn-secondary' else opts[:class] = 'btn btn-default' end end opts.except(:action, :default, :if, :unless, :redirect) end end # Used by datatables def search_form_field(name, type = nil) case (type || sql_type(name)) when :belongs_to { as: :select }.merge(search_form_field_collection(belongs_to(name))) when :belongs_to_polymorphic #{ as: :select, grouped: true, polymorphic: true, collection: nil} { as: :string } when :has_and_belongs_to_many { as: :select }.merge(search_form_field_collection(has_and_belongs_to_many(name))) when :has_many { as: :select, multiple: true }.merge(search_form_field_collection(has_many(name))) when :has_one { as: :select, multiple: true }.merge(search_form_field_collection(has_one(name))) when :effective_addresses { as: :string } when :effective_roles { as: :select, collection: EffectiveRoles.roles } when :effective_obfuscation { as: :effective_obfuscation } when :boolean { as: :boolean, collection: [['Yes', true], ['No', false]] } when :datetime { as: :datetime } when :date { as: :date } when :integer { as: :number } when :text { as: :text } when :time { as: :time } when ActiveRecord::Base { as: :select }.merge( else name = name.to_s # If the method is named :status, and there is a Class::STATUSES if ((klass || NilClass).const_defined?(name.pluralize.upcase) rescue false) { as: :select, collection: klass.const_get(name.pluralize.upcase) } elsif ((klass || NilClass).const_defined?(name.singularize.upcase) rescue false) { as: :select, collection: klass.const_get(name.singularize.upcase) } else { as: :string } end end end def search_form_field_collection(association = nil, max_id = 1000) res = (association.nil? ? self : if res.max_id > max_id { as: :string } else if res.klass.unscoped.respond_to?(:datatables_scope) { collection: { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] } } elsif res.klass.unscoped.respond_to?(:datatables_filter) { collection: { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] } } elsif res.klass.unscoped.respond_to?(:sorted) { collection: { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] } } else { collection: { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] }.sort { |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } } end end end end end end