require 'yaml' module Lambom class Config CONFIG_DIR = "/etc/riyic" FILE = "#{CONFIG_DIR}/lambom.conf" UNIX_PATH_REGEX = /^[\w\s.\/\-_+%]+$/i URL_REGEX = /^(http(s)?|ftp):\/\/(([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+))+((\/?)(([A-Za-z0-9\._\-]+)(\/){0,1}[A-Za-z0-9.-\/]*)){0,1}/ attr_accessor( :server, :private_key_file, :environment, :loglevel, :json_file, :berksfile, :cached, :download_tarball, :api_url ) attr_reader :logdir, :logfile def initialize @server = nil @private_key_file = nil @json_file = nil @berksfile = nil @cached = false @environment = 'production' @loglevel = 'debug' @logdir = '/var/log/riyic' @logfile = "solo_#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}" @download_tarball = nil @api_url = nil end def load(argv={}) h = {} # evitamos cascar si o ficheiro de configuracion non existe if File.exists?(FILE) begin h = YAML.load(IO::read(FILE)) rescue Exception => e e.to_s =~ /line (\d+) column/ raise "Error loading yaml config file #{FILE}, syntax error in line #{$1}" end puts "hash de opcions: #{h.inspect}" if $debug raise "Error in config file, YAML loaded is not a hash" unless h.class == Hash # convert keys from string to symbols h = h.each_with_object({}) {|(k,v),o| o[k.to_sym] = v} end # merge line command hash with config file loaded h.merge!(argv) # validate parametros h.each do |k,v| if validate(k,v) instance_variable_set "@#{k}".to_sym, v else raise "Invalid value '#{v}' to parameter '#{k}'" end end return self end def merge(options={}) options.each do |k,v| puts "mergeando #{k} con valor #{v} en config" if $debug self.send("#{k}=",v) if validate(k,v) end end def validate(parametro,valor) case parametro.to_sym when :server # uuid valor =~ /^[\d\w\-]{36}$/ when :private_key_file #unix path valor =~ UNIX_PATH_REGEX && File.exists?(valor) when :environment #env de rails ["production","development","test"].include?(valor) when :loglevel #loglevel de chef %w{debug info}.include?(valor) when :berksfile valor =~ UNIX_PATH_REGEX && File.exists?(valor) when :json_file valor =~ UNIX_PATH_REGEX && File.exists?(valor) when :cached [true,false].include?(valor) when :api_url valor =~ URL_REGEX when :download_tarball valor =~ URL_REGEX else false #raise "Invalid parameter #{parametro}" end end end end