An abstract base class for a server, with the following properties:

  • The server has exactly one client, and is connected to that client at all times. The server will quit when the connection closes.
  • The server‘s main loop may be run in a child process (and so is asynchronous from the main process).
  • One can communicate with the server through discrete messages (as opposed to byte streams).
  • The server can pass file descriptors (IO objects) back to the client.

A message is just an ordered list of strings. The first element in the message is the _message name_.

The server will also reset all signal handlers (in the child process). That is, it will respond to all signals in the default manner. The only exception is SIGHUP, which is ignored. One may define additional signal handlers using define_signal_handler().

Before an AbstractServer can be used, it must first be started by calling start(). When it is no longer needed, stop() should be called.

Here‘s an example on using AbstractServer:

 class MyServer < PhusionPassenger::AbstractServer
    def initialize
       define_message_handler(:hello, :handle_hello)

    def hello(first_name, last_name)
       send_to_server('hello', first_name, last_name)
       reply, pointless_number = recv_from_server
       puts "The server said: #{reply}"
       puts "In addition, it sent this pointless number: #{pointless_number}"

    def handle_hello(first_name, last_name)
       send_to_client("Hello #{first_name} #{last_name}, how are you?", 1234)

 server =
 server.hello("Joe", "Dalton")
Included Modules
Classes and Modules
Class PhusionPassenger::AbstractServer::ServerAlreadyStarted
Class PhusionPassenger::AbstractServer::ServerError
Class PhusionPassenger::AbstractServer::ServerNotStarted
Class PhusionPassenger::AbstractServer::UnknownMessage
[RW] last_activity_time The last time when this AbstractServer had processed a message.
[RW] max_idle_time The maximum time that this AbstractServer may be idle. Used by AbstractServerCollection to determine when this object should be cleaned up. nil or 0 indicate that this object should never be idle cleaned.
[RW] next_cleaning_time Used by AbstractServerCollection to remember when this AbstractServer should be idle cleaned.
Public Class methods
     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 108
108:         def initialize
109:                 @done = false
110:                 @message_handlers = {}
111:                 @signal_handlers = {}
112:                 @orig_signal_handlers = {}
113:                 @last_activity_time =
114:         end
Public Instance methods

Return the PID of the started server. This is only valid if start() has been called.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 235
235:         def server_pid
236:                 return @pid
237:         end

Start the server. This method does not block since the server runs asynchronously from the current process.

You may only call this method if the server is not already started. Otherwise, a ServerAlreadyStarted will be raised.

Derived classes may raise additional exceptions.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 123
123:         def start
124:                 if started?
125:                         raise ServerAlreadyStarted, "Server is already started"
126:                 end
128:                 @parent_socket, @child_socket = UNIXSocket.pair
129:                 before_fork
130:                 @pid = fork
131:                 if @pid.nil?
132:                         begin
133:                                 STDOUT.sync = true
134:                                 STDERR.sync = true
135:                                 @parent_socket.close
137:                                 # During Passenger's early days, we used to close file descriptors based
138:                                 # on a white list of file descriptors. That proved to be way too fragile:
139:                                 # too many file descriptors are being left open even though they shouldn't
140:                                 # be. So now we close file descriptors based on a black list.
141:                                 file_descriptors_to_leave_open = [0, 1, 2, @child_socket.fileno]
142:                                 NativeSupport.close_all_file_descriptors(file_descriptors_to_leave_open)
143:                                 # In addition to closing the file descriptors, one must also close
144:                                 # the associated IO objects. This is to prevent IO.close from
145:                                 # double-closing already closed file descriptors.
146:                                 close_all_io_objects_for_fds(file_descriptors_to_leave_open)
148:                                 # At this point, RubyGems might have open file handles for which
149:                                 # the associated file descriptors have just been closed. This can
150:                                 # result in mysterious 'EBADFD' errors. So we force RubyGems to
151:                                 # clear all open file handles.
152:                                 Gem.clear_paths
154:                                 start_synchronously(@child_socket)
155:                         rescue Interrupt
156:                                 # Do nothing.
157:                         rescue SignalException => signal
158:                                 if signal.message == SERVER_TERMINATION_SIGNAL
159:                                         # Do nothing.
160:                                 else
161:                                         print_exception(self.class.to_s, signal)
162:                                 end
163:                         rescue Exception => e
164:                                 print_exception(self.class.to_s, e)
165:                         ensure
166:                                 exit!
167:                         end
168:                 end
169:                 @child_socket.close
170:                 @parent_channel =
171:         end

Start the server, but in the current process instead of in a child process. This method blocks until the server‘s main loop has ended.

socket is the socket that the server should listen on. The server main loop will end if the socket has been closed.

All hooks will be called, except before_fork().

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 180
180:         def start_synchronously(socket)
181:                 @child_socket = socket
182:                 @child_channel =
183:                 begin
184:                         reset_signal_handlers
185:                         initialize_server
186:                         begin
187:                                 main_loop
188:                         ensure
189:                                 finalize_server
190:                         end
191:                 ensure
192:                         revert_signal_handlers
193:                 end
194:         end

Return whether the server has been started.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 230
230:         def started?
231:                 return !@parent_channel.nil?
232:         end

Stop the server. The server will quit as soon as possible. This method waits until the server has been stopped.

When calling this method, the server must already be started. If not, a ServerNotStarted will be raised.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 201
201:         def stop
202:                 if !started?
203:                         raise ServerNotStarted, "Server is not started"
204:                 end
206:                 @parent_socket.close
207:                 @parent_channel = nil
209:                 # Wait at most 3 seconds for server to exit. If it doesn't do that,
210:                 # we kill it. If that doesn't work either, we kill it forcefully with
211:                 # SIGKILL.
212:                 begin
213:                         Timeout::timeout(3) do
214:                                 Process.waitpid(@pid) rescue nil
215:                         end
216:                 rescue Timeout::Error
217:                         Process.kill(SERVER_TERMINATION_SIGNAL, @pid) rescue nil
218:                         begin
219:                                 Timeout::timeout(3) do
220:                                         Process.waitpid(@pid) rescue nil
221:                                 end
222:                         rescue Timeout::Error
223:                                 Process.kill('SIGKILL', @pid) rescue nil
224:                                 Process.waitpid(@pid, Process::WNOHANG) rescue nil
225:                         end
226:                 end
227:         end
Protected Instance methods

A hook which is called when the server is being started, just before forking a new process. The default implementation does nothing, this method is supposed to be overrided by child classes.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 242
242:         def before_fork
243:         end

Return the communication channel with the client (i.e. the parent process that started the server). This is a MessageChannel object.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 287
287:         def client
288:                 return @child_channel
289:         end
define_message_handler(message_name, handler)

Define a handler for a message. message_name is the name of the message to handle, and handler is the name of a method to be called (this may either be a String or a Symbol).

A message is just a list of strings, and so handler will be called with the message as its arguments, excluding the first element. See also the example in the class description.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 262
262:         def define_message_handler(message_name, handler)
263:                 @message_handlers[message_name.to_s] = handler
264:         end
define_signal_handler(signal, handler)

Define a handler for a signal.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 267
267:         def define_signal_handler(signal, handler)
268:                 @signal_handlers[signal.to_s] = handler
269:         end

A hook which is called when the server is being stopped. This is called in the child process, after the main loop has been left. The default implementation does nothing, this method is supposed to be overrided by child classes.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 254
254:         def finalize_server
255:         end

A hook which is called when the server is being started. This is called in the child process, before the main loop is entered. The default implementation does nothing, this method is supposed to be overrided by child classes.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 248
248:         def initialize_server
249:         end

Tell the main loop to stop as soon as possible.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 292
292:         def quit_main
293:                 @done = true
294:         end

Return the communication channel with the server. This is a MessageChannel object.

Raises ServerNotStarted if the server hasn‘t been started yet.

This method may only be called in the parent process, and not in the started server process.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb, line 278
278:         def server
279:                 if !started?
280:                         raise ServerNotStarted, "Server hasn't been started yet. Please call start() first."
281:                 end
282:                 return @parent_channel
283:         end