require 'spec_helper' describe Ethon::Easy::Http::Post do let(:easy) { } let(:url) { "http://localhost:3001/" } let(:params) { nil } let(:form) { nil } let(:post) {, {:params => params, :body => form}) } describe "#setup" do context "when nothing" do it "sets url" do post.setup(easy) expect(easy.url).to eq(url) end it "sets postfield_size" do expect(easy).to receive(:postfieldsize=).with(0) post.setup(easy) end it "sets copy_postfields" do expect(easy).to receive(:copypostfields=).with("") post.setup(easy) end it "makes a post request" do post.setup(easy) easy.perform expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"POST"') end end context "when params" do let(:params) { {:a => "1&"} } it "attaches escaped to url" do post.setup(easy) expect(easy.url).to eq("#{url}?a=1%26") end it "sets postfieldsize" do expect(easy).to receive(:postfieldsize=).with(0) post.setup(easy) end it "sets copypostfields" do expect(easy).to receive(:copypostfields=).with("") post.setup(easy) end context "when requesting" do let(:postredir) { nil } before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.postredir = postredir easy.followlocation = true easy.perform end it "is a post" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"POST"') end it "uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"CONTENT_TYPE":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"') end it "requests parameterized url" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_URI":"http://localhost:3001/?a=1%26"') end context "when redirection" do let(:url) { "localhost:3001/redirect" } context "when no postredirs" do it "is a get" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"GET"') end end unless ENV['TRAVIS'] context "when postredirs" do let(:postredir) { :post_all } it "is a post" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"POST"') end end end end end end context "when body" do context "when multipart" do let(:form) { {:a =>, 'r')} } it "sets httppost" do expect(easy).to receive(:httppost=) post.setup(easy) end context "when requesting" do before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.perform end it "returns ok" do expect(easy.return_code).to eq(:ok) end it "is a post" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"POST"') end it "uses multipart/form-data content type" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"CONTENT_TYPE":"multipart/form-data') end it "submits a body" do expect(easy.response_body).to match('"body":".+"') end it "submits the data" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"filename":"post_spec.rb"') end end end context "when not multipart" do let(:form) { {:a => "1&b=2"} } let(:encoded) { "a=1%26b%3D2" } it "sets escaped copypostfields" do expect(easy).to receive(:copypostfields=).with(encoded) post.setup(easy) end it "sets postfieldsize" do expect(easy).to receive(:postfieldsize=).with(encoded.bytesize) post.setup(easy) end context "when requesting" do before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.perform end it "returns ok" do expect(easy.return_code).to eq(:ok) end it "is a post" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_METHOD":"POST"') end it "uses multipart/form-data content type" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"CONTENT_TYPE":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded') end it "submits a body" do expect(easy.response_body).to match('"body":"a=1%26b%3D2"') end it "submits the data" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"rack.request.form_hash":{"a":"1&b=2"}') end end end context "when string" do let(:form) { "{a: 1}" } context "when requesting" do before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.perform end it "returns ok" do expect(easy.return_code).to eq(:ok) end it "sends string" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"body":"{a: 1}"') end end end context "when binary with null bytes" do let(:form) { [1, 0, 1].pack('c*') } context "when requesting" do before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.perform end it "returns ok" do expect(easy.return_code).to eq(:ok) end it "sends binary data" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"body":"\\u0001\\u0000\\u0001"') end end end end context "when params and body" do let(:form) { {:a => "1"} } let(:params) { {:b => "2"} } context "when requesting" do before do easy.headers = { 'Expect' => '' } post.setup(easy) easy.perform end it "url contains params" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"REQUEST_URI":"http://localhost:3001/?b=2"') end it "body contains form" do expect(easy.response_body).to include('"body":"a=1"') end end end end end