require 'net/http' require 'nokogiri' require 'logger' class Vinquery attr_reader :attributes, :errors, :result def self.get(vin, options={}) request =[:url], options[:access_code], options[:report_type], options[:logger]) doc = request.fetch vin result = request.parse doc request end def initialize(url, access_code, report_type, log = nil) @url = url @access_code = access_code @report_type = report_type log ||= @log = log end def fetch(vin) # use reducable=FALSE to get additional fields like fuel_type # use vt=true to get vehicle_type # @uri ||= "#{@url}?accessCode=#{@access_code}&reportType=#{@report_type}&reducable=FALSE&vt=TRUE&gvwr=TRUE" url_s = @uri + "&vin=#{vin}"{"Vinquery#fetch - uri: #{url_s}"} url = URI.parse(url_s) begin @result = Net::HTTP.get url @log.debug{"Vinquery#fetch - result: #{@result}"} rescue Exception => e @log.error{"ERROR - #{e.message}"} @log.error{"ERROR - #{e.backtrace[0]}"} xml = do |doc| => vin,:status => "FAILED") { doc.message(:Key => "VinQuery unavailable", :Value => "Oops, it looks like our VIN decoder is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later.") } end @result = xml.to_xml end @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(@result) end def parse(doc) set_attributes doc set_errors_hash doc attributes end def set_attributes(doc) attributes = {} doc.xpath('//vehicle[1]/item').each do |item| attributes[item.attributes['key'].value.downcase.gsub('.', '').gsub(/ /, '_').to_sym] = item.attributes['value'].value end{"Vinquery#set_attributes - number of attributes parsed: #{attributes.size}"} if attributes.size > 0 vin = doc.css('vin').first.attributes['number'].value attributes[:vin_key] = make_vin_key(vin) attributes[:vendor_result] = doc.to_xml end @attributes = attributes end def set_errors_hash(doc) @errors = [] @valid = doc.css('vin').first.attributes['status'].value == "SUCCESS" doc.css('message').each{|msg| @errors << {msg.attributes['key'].value => msg.attributes['value'].value} } unless valid? @errors.each{|msg| @log.error{"Vinquery#set_errors_hash - error: #{msg.to_s}"}} unless @errors.empty? end def valid? @valid end def make_vin_key(vin) key = vin.slice(0,8) key << vin.slice(9,2) end end