# frozen_string_literal: true module Rails class NextRailsGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase include ::NextRails::Actions source_root File.expand_path("templates", __dir__) NODE_REQUIRED_VERSION = ">= 18.17.0" YARN_VERSION = "1.22.19" NEXT_VERSION = "14.0.2" NODULES_MODULES = [ "@hookform/resolvers", "@tanstack/react-query", "axios", "react-hook-form", "zod" ].freeze argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: "field:type field:type" def initialize(args, *options) # :nodoc: super self.attributes = shell.base.attributes end # Properly nests namespaces passed into a generator # # $ bin/rails generate resource admin/users/products # # should give you # # scope '/api' do # namespace :admin do # namespace :users do # resources :products # end # end # end def add_resource_route return if options[:actions].present? route "resources :#{file_name.pluralize}", namespace: regular_class_path, scope: "/api" end # Check Javascript depencies and create a new Next.js project. Install the the usefull packages and create the # scaffold code for frontend application. def create_frontend_project return say_status :remove, "skip frontend folder", :yellow if shell.base.behavior == :revoke check_node! append_gitignore! empty_directory "frontend" inside("frontend") do create_next_app! install_dependencies! run("npx hygen generate scaffold #{name} #{mapped_attributes.join(" ")}") run("yarn build") end end private def check_node! node_version = run("node --version", capture: true).gsub(/[^0-9.]/, "") if Gem::Dependency.new("", NODE_REQUIRED_VERSION).match?("", node_version) log :node_version, "Your Node version is '#{node_version}'" else say_status :node_version, "You need to have a Node version '#{NODE_REQUIRED_VERSION}'", :red abort end end def append_gitignore! rows = <<~HEREDOC # Ingoring node modules for Rails and Next.js projects node_modules/ HEREDOC append_to_file ".gitignore", rows end def create_next_app! return if File.exist?("package.json") run("npm install --global yarn@#{YARN_VERSION}") run("yarn global add create-next-app@#{NEXT_VERSION}") run("yarn create next-app . --no-app --src-dir --import-alias \"@/*\"") end def install_hygen! return if Dir.exist?("_templates") run("yarn add -D hygen hygen-add") run("npx hygen-add next-rails-scaffold") end def install_dependencies! install_hygen! run("yarn add #{NODULES_MODULES.join(" ")}") end def mapped_attributes attributes.map { |attr| "#{attr.name}:#{attr.type}" } end def exit_on_failure? true end end end