module Cms class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base unloadable set_table_name 'cms_assets' include Cms::Taggable define_tag_association :assets def self.tags_for_context(context) common_options = {:order => 'name ASC'} context.object ? Cms::Tag.all({:include => :assets, :conditions => {'cms_assets.context_id' =>}}.merge(common_options)) : Cms::Tag.all(common_options) end class Meta attr_reader :name, :value, :errors def initialize(data) @name, @value = data[:name], data[:value] @errors = end def valid? validate errors.empty? end def validate errors.clear if @name.blank? errors.add :name, 'must be set' else errors.add :name, "is an invalid format" if (@name =~ /^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*$/).nil? end end end serialize :meta_data has_attached_file :asset, :styles => { :tiny => '50x50>', :thumb => '100x100>', :large => '200x200>', :custom =>{|instance| custom_dimensions(instance)} }, :convert_options => {:all => '-strip -quality 90'}, :path => ":rails_root/public/cms/assets/:id/:style/:filename", :url => "/cms/assets/:id/:style/:filename" validates_attachment_presence :asset validate :meta_data_check scope :ordered, :order => 'asset_file_name ASC' after_save :reprocess_custom_dimensions before_post_process :process_check def to_s asset_file_name end def assign_ordered_attributes(params) # force the custom dimensions to be assigned first so that when the asset is assigned, the custom dims are present # if the custom dims aren't set before the asset is assigned, the custom size won't be generated properly # this can occur if the attribute hash is iterated with the asset coming before the dims self.attributes = params.slice(:custom_height, :custom_width) self.attributes = params end def self.context_tags(context) if context Tag.all :joins => 'inner join taggings on taggings.tag_id = inner join cms_assets on taggings.taggable_id =', :conditions => {'cms_assets.context_id' =>} else Tag.all end end def image? !(asset_content_type =~ /^image.*/).blank? end def icon? # accepts ico or icon !(asset_content_type =~ /icon?$/).blank? end def editable? !(asset_content_type =~ /(javascript|css|xml|html)$/).blank? end def file_content read end def file_content=(content) write content end def meta return @_meta if @_meta.present? @_meta = (meta_data || []).collect{|m|} end def meta=(data) # reset the cached meta collection @_meta = nil # data ex: # {"new_1301457489798"=>{"name"=>"test1", "value"=>"test1"}, "new_1301457493800"=>{"name"=>"test2", "value"=>"test2"}} # converted to: # [{"name"=>"test1", "value"=>"test1"}, {"name"=>"test2", "value"=>"test2"}] # strip spaces of name and value temp_data = data.to_a.sort{|a,b| a.first <=> b.first}.collect{|a| h = a[1]; {:name => h[:name].strip, :value => h[:value].strip} } # remove any elements that have both name and value blank temp_data = temp_data.reject{|d| d[:name].blank? && d[:value].blank?} self.meta_data = temp_data end def to_liquid end protected def read return '' if !editable? asset.to_file(:original).read end def write(content) return false if content.blank? || !editable? fname = asset.path(:original) File.exist?(fname).tap do |exist|, 'w') do |f| f.puts content end if exist end end def meta_data_check if !meta.find_all{|m| !m.valid?}.empty? errors.add :meta_data, "is invalid" end end def self.custom_dimensions(record) if ! && ! "#{record.custom_width}x#{record.custom_height}>" else '' end end def process_check image? && !icon? end def reprocess_custom_dimensions if custom_height_changed? || custom_width_changed? asset.reprocess! end end end end