# WARNING : RAKE AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT! # RUN : 'rake gem:update_gemspec' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.date = "Sat Sep 27 15:24:55 -0300 2008" s.authors = ["Nando Vieira"] s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 0" s.has_rdoc = false s.files = ["Rakefile", "test_notifier.gemspec", "History.txt", "License.txt", "README.markdown", "TODO.txt", "lib/test_notifier", "lib/test_notifier/autotest.rb", "lib/test_notifier/icons", "lib/test_notifier/icons/error.png", "lib/test_notifier/icons/failure.png", "lib/test_notifier/icons/passed.png", "lib/test_notifier/rspec.rb", "lib/test_notifier/test_unit.rb", "lib/test_notifier.rb"] s.email = ["fnando.vieira@gmail.com"] s.version = "0.0.10" s.homepage = "http://github.com/fnando/test_notifier" s.requirements = ["You'll need Growl (Mac OS X), Libnotify (Linux) or Snarl (Windows)"] s.name = "test_notifier" s.summary = "Display system notifications (dbus, growl and snarl) after running tests." s.description = "Display system notifications (dbus, growl and snarl) after running tests. It works on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. Powerful when used with Autotest ZenTest gem for Rails apps." s.add_dependency "rubigen", ">= 0" s.bindir = "bin" end