# jekyll configs title: jekyll-bonsai description: A modern jekyll theme for semantically inclined digital gardeners. author: manunamz baseurl: '/jekyll-bonsai' # baseurl: '' # url: https://manunam.me # url: 'https://manunamz.github.io' # logo-light: "/assets/images/logo-light.png" # logo-dark: "/assets/images/logo-dark.png" permalink: pretty include: - "_pages" exclude: - "node_modules/" - "package.json" - "package-lock.json" - "*.gemspec" - "*.gem" - "Gemfile" - "Gemfile.lock" - "script/" - "lib/" - "bin/" - "Rakefile" - "README.md" - "CHANGELOG.txt" - "LICENSE.txt" collections: entries: output: true # permalink: /entry/:id # permalinks are manually generated -- see local 'prep_note' plugin. states: output: true permalink: /stat/:title order: - tags.md - sprout.md - bud.md - bamboo.md - bloom.md - berry.md - fruit.md - melon.md - seed.md - tea.md - pot-bamboo.md defaults: - scope: path: "_entries/**/*.md" type: "entries" values: layout: "entry" - scope: path: "_states/**/*.md" type: "states" values: layout: "state" sass: sass_dir: _sass style: :compressed enable_mathjax: true kramdown: math_engine: mathjax # plugins: # - jekyll-namespaces # - jekyll-wikilinks # - jekyll-feed # - jekyll-seo-tag # - jekyll-sitemap # # jekyll-bonsai configs # # dendron forces the root note-title to be 'root.md' -- this is the replacement title for 'root' # (make sure you change the title in root.md file as well) index_title: "Jekyll-Bonsai" # graph: default graph type in side bar. ## may be 'tree' or 'net-web' graph_type: "tree" # nav: default nav type in side bar. ## may be 'tabs' (visited/path) or graph (bonsai) nav_type: "graph" # recent (weather): set number of notes to display on recent (weather) page. ## may be an integer (defaults to 10) recent_num: 10 # local note-nav component defaults ## may be 'open' or 'closed' entry_head_status: "open" entry_foot_links_status: "open" entry_foot_posts_status: "open" social: enabled: true connect: # facebook_url: github_url: https://github.com/manunamz/ # linkedin_url: # pinterest_url: rss_url: https://manunam.me/feed.xml twitter_url: https://twitter.com/manunamz/ share: - 'email' # - 'facebook' # - 'linkedin' # - 'pinterest' - 'twitter' compress_html: clippings: all comments: all endings: all startings: [] blank_lines: false profile: false # Google Analytics (ip is anonymized by default) ga_tracking: UA-190413040-3 # # plugins # namespaces: # enabled: true include: - "entries" wikilinks: # enabled: true exclude: - "pages" - "states" d3_graph_data: # enabled: true # path: "/assets" exclude: - "pages" - "posts" - "states" # seo # tagline: "" # description: "" # twitter: # card: summary # username: manunamz # author: # twitter: manunamz