/* Reveal foundation overwrites */ @include breakpoint(small down){ .reveal{ width: 95%; left: 2.5%; top: 2rem; height: auto; min-height: auto; } } .reveal__header{ border-bottom: $border; margin-bottom: 1rem; &.reveal__header--nomargin{ margin-bottom: 0; } } .reveal__footer{ border-top: $border; .buttons{ display: flex; justify-content: center; padding: 10px 0 50px; // bottom padding is needed to avoid hiding buttons on mobiles because of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37112218/css3-100vh-not-constant-in-mobile-browser @include breakpoint(medium){ padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -1rem; } } } .reveal__bg{ background-color: $light-gray-dark; } .reveal__title{ margin-top: -6px; } .reveal__list{ @extend .list-reset; li{ @extend .p-s; display: flex; } li.selected{ background-color: rgba($warning, .3); justify-content: space-between; svg{ color: $success; align-self: center; } } li:hover{ cursor: pointer; } li:not(:last-child){ border-bottom: $border; } } .reveal__trigger{ cursor: pointer; }