#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 $: << '.' $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../ext") require 'optparse' require 'perf' require 'oj' $verbose = false $indent = 0 $iter = 20000 $size = 0 opts = OptionParser.new opts.on("-v", "verbose") { $verbose = true } opts.on("-c", "--count [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |i| $iter = i } opts.on("-i", "--indent [Int]", Integer, "indentation") { |i| $indent = i } opts.on("-s", "--size [Int]", Integer, "size (~Kbytes)") { |i| $size = i } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } files = opts.parse(ARGV) def capture_error(tag, orig, load_key, dump_key, &blk) begin obj = blk.call(orig) puts obj unless orig == obj raise "#{tag} #{dump_key} and #{load_key} did not return the same object as the original." unless orig == obj rescue Exception => e $failed[tag] = "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" end end # Verify that all packages dump and load correctly and return the same Object as the original. capture_error('Oj:compat', $obj, 'load', 'dump') { |o| Oj.compat_load(Oj.dump(o, :mode => :compat)) } capture_error('JSON::Ext', $obj, 'generate', 'parse') { |o| require 'json' require 'json/ext' JSON.generator = JSON::Ext::Generator JSON.parser = JSON::Ext::Parser JSON.load(JSON.generate(o)) } module One module Two module Three class Empty def initialize() @a = 1 @b = 2 @c = 3 end def eql?(o) self.class == o.class && @a == o.a && @b = o.b && @c = o.c end alias == eql? def as_json(*a) {JSON.create_id => self.class.name, 'a' => @a, 'b' => @b, 'c' => @c } end def to_json(*a) JSON.generate(as_json()) end def self.json_create(h) self.new() end end # Empty end # Three end # Two end # One $obj = { 'a' => 'Alpha', # string 'b' => true, # boolean 'c' => 12345, # number 'd' => [ true, [false, [-123456789, nil], 3.9676, ['Something else.', false], nil]], # mix it up array 'e' => { 'zero' => nil, 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => [3], 'four' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, # hash 'f' => nil, # nil 'g' => One::Two::Three::Empty.new(), 'h' => { 'a' => { 'b' => { 'c' => { 'd' => {'e' => { 'f' => { 'g' => nil }}}}}}}, # deep hash, not that deep 'i' => [[[[[[[nil]]]]]]] # deep array, again, not that deep } Oj.default_options = { :indent => $indent, :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true, :create_additions => true, :create_id => '^o' } if 0 < $size s = Oj.dump($obj).size + 1 cnt = $size * 1024 / s o = $obj $obj = [] cnt.times do $obj << o end end $json = Oj.dump($obj) $failed = {} # key is same as String used in tests later if $verbose puts "size: #{$json.size}" puts "json:\n#{$json}\n" puts "Oj:compat loaded object:\n#{Oj.compat_load($json)}\n" puts "JSON loaded object:\n#{JSON::Ext::Parser.new($json).parse}\n" end puts '-' * 80 puts "Compat Parse Performance" perf = Perf.new() unless $failed.has_key?('JSON::Ext') perf.add('JSON::Ext', 'parse') { JSON.load($json) } perf.before('JSON::Ext') { JSON.parser = JSON::Ext::Parser } end unless $failed.has_key?('Oj:compat') perf.add('Oj:compat', 'compat_load') { Oj.compat_load($json) } end perf.run($iter) puts puts '-' * 80 puts unless $failed.empty? puts "The following packages were not included for the reason listed" $failed.each { |tag,msg| puts "***** #{tag}: #{msg}" } end