require 'mq' require 'fiber' unless Fiber.respond_to?(:current) # You can include one of the following modules into your example groups: # AMQP::SpecHelper # AMQP::Spec # # AMQP::SpecHelper module defines 'ampq' method that can be safely used inside your specs(examples) # to test expectations inside running AMQP.start loop. Each loop is running in a separate Fiber, # and you can control for timeouts using either :spec_timeout option given to amqp method, # or setting default timeout with class method default_timeout(timeout). # # If you include AMQP::Spec module into your example group, each example of this group will run # inside AMQP.start loop without the need to explicitly call 'amqp'. In order to provide options # to AMQP loop, default_options class method is defined. Remember, when using AMQP::Specs, you # will have a single set of AMQP.start options for all your examples. # # In order to stop AMQP loop, you should call 'done' AFTER you are sure that your example is finished. # For example, if you are using subscribe block that tests expectations on messages, 'done' should be # probably called at the end of this block. # # TODO: Define 'async' method wrapping async requests and returning results... 'async_loop' too for subscribe? # TODO: 'evented_before', 'evented_after' that will be run inside EM before the example module AMQP module SpecHelper SpecTimeoutExceededError = def self.included(example_group) ::Spec::Example::ExampleGroup.instance_exec do unless defined? default_spec_timeout @@_em_default_options = {} @@_em_default_timeout = nil def self.default_spec_timeout(spec_timeout=nil) if spec_timeout @@_em_default_timeout = spec_timeout else @@_em_default_timeout end end alias default_timeout default_spec_timeout def self.default_options(opts=nil) if opts @@_em_default_options = opts else @@_em_default_options end end end end end # Yields to given block inside and AMQP.start loops. This method takes any option that is # also accepted by EventMachine::connect. Also, options for AMQP.start include: # * :user => String (default ‘guest’) - The username as defined by the AMQP server. # * :pass => String (default ‘guest’) - The password for the associated :user as defined by the AMQP server. # * :vhost => String (default ’/’) - The virtual host as defined by the AMQP server. # * :timeout => Numeric (default nil) - *Connection* timeout, measured in seconds. # * :logging => true | false (default false) - Toggle the extremely verbose AMQP logging. # # In addition to EM and AMQP options, :spec_timeout option (in seconds) is used to force spec to timeout # if something goes wrong and EM/AMQP loop hangs for some reason. SpecTimeoutExceededError is raised. def amqp opts={}, &block opts = @@_em_default_options.merge opts do # begin ? @_em_spec_with_amqp = true @_em_spec_exception = nil spec_timeout = opts.delete(:spec_timeout) || @@_em_default_timeout timeout(spec_timeout) if spec_timeout @_em_spec_fiber = do begin amqp_start opts, &block rescue Exception => @_em_spec_exception p @_em_spec_exception done end Fiber.yield end @_em_spec_fiber.resume # raise @_em_spec_exception if @_em_spec_exception end end # Yields to block inside EM loop, :spec_timeout option (in seconds) is used to force spec to timeout # if something goes wrong and EM/AMQP loop hangs for some reason. SpecTimeoutExceededError is raised. # TODO: accept :spec_timeout =>1 as a Hash for compatibility with amqp interface def em(spec_timeout = @@_em_default_timeout, &block) do @_em_spec_with_amqp = false @_em_spec_exception = nil timeout(spec_timeout) if spec_timeout @_em_spec_fiber = do begin rescue Exception => @_em_spec_exception done end Fiber.yield end @_em_spec_fiber.resume end end # Sets timeout for current spec def timeout(spec_timeout) EM.cancel_timer(@_em_timer) if @_em_timer @_em_timer = EM.add_timer(spec_timeout) do @_em_spec_exception = done end end # Stops AMQP and EM event loop def done EM.next_tick do if @_em_spec_with_amqp amqp_stop(@_em_spec_exception) do finish_em_spec_fiber end else finish_em_spec_fiber raise @_em_spec_exception if @_em_spec_exception end end end private def finish_em_spec_fiber EM.stop_event_loop if EM.reactor_running? # p Thread.current, Thread.current[:mq], __LINE__ @_em_spec_fiber.resume if @_em_spec_fiber.alive? end # Private method that initializes AMQP client/connection without starting another EM loop def amqp_start opts={}, &block AMQP.instance_exec do # p Thread.current, Thread.current[:mq] puts "!!!!!!!!! Existing connection: #{@conn}" if @conn @conn = connect opts # @conn ||= connect opts @conn.callback(&block) if block end end # Private method that closes AMQP connection and raises optional # exception AFTER the AMQP connection is 100% closed def amqp_stop exception if AMQP.conn and not AMQP.closing AMQP.instance_exec do #(@_em_spec_exception) do |exception| @closing = true @conn.close { yield if block_given? @conn = nil @closing = false raise exception if exception } end end end end module Spec def self.included(cls) cls.send(:include, SpecHelper) end def instance_eval(&block) amqp do super(&block) end end end module EMSpec def self.included(cls) cls.send(:include, SpecHelper) end def instance_eval(&block) em do super(&block) end end end end