require 'forwardable' require 'dragonfly/active_model_extensions/attachment_class_methods' module Dragonfly module ActiveModelExtensions class Attachment # Exceptions class BadAssignmentKey < RuntimeError; end extend Forwardable def_delegators :job, :data, :to_file, :file, :tempfile, :path, :process, :encode, :analyse, :meta, :meta=, :name, :size, :url include HasFilename alias_method :length, :size def initialize(model) @model = model self.uid = model_uid set_job_from_uid if uid @should_run_callbacks = true self.class.ensure_uses_cached_magic_attributes end def app end def attribute self.class.attribute end def assign(value) self.changed = true destroy_retained! if retained? set_uid_and_model_uid(nil) if value.nil? self.job = nil reset_magic_attributes self.class.run_callbacks(:after_unassign, model, self) if should_run_callbacks? else self.job = case value when Job then value.dup when self.class then value.job.dup else app.new_job(value) end set_magic_attributes job.url_attrs = all_extra_attributes self.class.run_callbacks(:after_assign, model, self) if should_run_callbacks? retain! if should_retain? end model_uid_will_change! value end def changed? !!@changed end def destroy! destroy_previous! destroy_content(uid) if uid end def save! sync_with_model store_job! if job && !uid destroy_previous! self.changed = false self.retained = false end def to_value self if job end def name=(name) set_magic_attribute(:name, name) if has_magic_attribute_for?(:name) = name end def process!(*args) assign(process(*args)) self end def encode!(*args) assign(encode(*args)) self end def remote_url(opts={}) app.remote_url_for(uid, opts) if uid end def apply job.apply self end attr_writer :should_run_callbacks def should_run_callbacks? !!@should_run_callbacks end # Retaining for avoiding uploading more than once def retain! if changed? && job store_job! self.retained = true end end attr_writer :should_retain def should_retain? !!@should_retain end def retained? !!@retained end def destroy_retained! destroy_content(retained_attrs[:uid]) end def retained_attrs attribute_keys.inject({}) do |hash, key| hash[key] = send(key) hash end if retained? end def retained_attrs=(attrs) if changed? # if already set, ignore and destroy this retained content destroy_content(attrs[:uid]) else attrs.each do |key, value| unless attribute_keys.include?(key) raise BadAssignmentKey, "trying to call #{attribute}_#{key} = #{value.inspect} via retained_#{attribute} but this is not allowed!" end model.send("#{attribute}_#{key}=", value) end sync_with_model set_job_from_uid self.retained = true end end def inspect "" end protected attr_reader :job private attr_writer :changed, :retained def attribute_keys [:uid] + magic_attributes end def store_job! meta.merge!(all_extra_attributes) opts = self.class.evaluate_storage_opts(model, self) set_uid_and_model_uid self.job = job.to_fetched_job(uid) end def destroy_content(uid) app.datastore.destroy(uid) rescue DataStorage::DataNotFound, DataStorage::DestroyError => e app.log.warn("*** WARNING ***: tried to destroy data with uid #{uid}, but got error: #{e}") end def destroy_previous! if previous_uid destroy_content(previous_uid) self.previous_uid = nil end end def sync_with_model # If the model uid has been set manually if uid != model_uid self.uid = model_uid end end def set_uid_and_model_uid(uid) self.uid = uid self.model_uid = uid end def model_uid=(uid) model.send("#{attribute}_uid=", uid) end def model_uid model.send("#{attribute}_uid") end def model_uid_will_change! meth = "#{attribute}_uid_will_change!" model.send(meth) if model.respond_to?(meth) end attr_reader :model, :uid attr_writer :job attr_accessor :previous_uid def uid=(uid) self.previous_uid = @uid if @uid @uid = uid end def magic_attributes self.class.magic_attributes end def set_magic_attribute(property, value) model.send("#{attribute}_#{property}=", value) end def set_magic_attributes magic_attributes.each{|property| set_magic_attribute(property, job.send(property)) } end def reset_magic_attributes magic_attributes.each{|property| set_magic_attribute(property, nil) } end def has_magic_attribute_for?(property) magic_attributes.include?(property.to_sym) end def magic_attribute_for(property) model.send("#{attribute}_#{property}") end def magic_attributes_hash magic_attributes.inject({}) do |attrs, property| attrs[property] = model.send("#{attribute}_#{property}") attrs end end def extra_attributes @extra_attributes ||= { :model_class =>, :model_attachment => attribute } end def all_extra_attributes magic_attributes_hash.merge(extra_attributes) end def set_job_from_uid self.job = app.fetch(uid) job.url_attrs = all_extra_attributes end end end end