Given /^I go to the posts page$/ do visit posts_path end Given /^I fill "([^"]*)" as the post title$/ do |text| fill_in 'Title', with: text end Given /^I fill "([^"]*)" as the post body$/ do |text| fill_in 'Body', with: text end Then /^the post "([^"]*)" should be authored by current user$/ do |post_title| post = Crowdblog::Post.find_by_title(post_title) == @current_user end Then /^the post "([^"]*)" should have "([^"]*)" as its permalink$/ do |post_title, permalink| post = Crowdblog::Post.find_by_title(post_title) post.permalink.should == permalink end Then /^the post titled "([^"]*)" is marked as published$/ do |post_title| @current_post = Crowdblog::Post.find_by_title(post_title) @current_post.should be_published end Then /^current user is set as its publisher$/ do @current_post.publisher.should == @current_user end Then /^the post titled "([^"]*)" is marked as drafted$/ do |post_title| @current_post = Crowdblog::Post.find_by_title(post_title) @current_post.should be_drafted end