module Gosu class Image def self.from_blob(width, height, rgba = "\0\0\0\0" * (width * height), retro: false, tileable: false) @struct ||=, :rows, :to_blob), height, rgba), retro: retro, tileable: tileable) end def self.from_text(markup, line_height, font: Gosu.default_font_name, width: -1, spacing: 0, align: :left, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false, retro: false) __image = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_text(markup, font, line_height, width, spacing, GosuFFI.font_alignment_flags(align), GosuFFI.font_flags(bold, italic, underline), GosuFFI.image_flags(retro: retro)) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def self.from_markup(markup, line_height, font: Gosu.default_font_name, width: -1, spacing: 0, align: :left, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false, retro: false) __image = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_markup(markup, font, line_height, width, spacing, GosuFFI.font_alignment_flags(align), GosuFFI.font_flags(bold, italic, underline), GosuFFI.image_flags(retro: retro)) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def self.load_tiles(filename_or_image, tile_width, tile_height, retro: false, tileable: false) flags = GosuFFI.image_flags(retro: retro, tileable: tileable) images = [] callback = proc { |data, image| images << } if filename_or_image.is_a? String GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_tiles(filename_or_image, tile_width, tile_height, callback, nil, flags) else if filename_or_image.is_a? Gosu::Image GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_tiles_from_image(filename_or_image.__pointer, tile_width, tile_height, callback, nil, flags) else image =, retro: retro, tileable: tileable) GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_tiles_from_image(image.__pointer, tile_width, tile_height, callback, nil, flags) end end GosuFFI.check_last_error return images end def initialize(object, retro: false, tileable: false, rect: nil) if rect and rect.size != 4 raise ArgumentError, "Expected 4-element array as rect" end flags = GosuFFI.image_flags(retro: retro, tileable: tileable) if object.is_a? String if rect __image = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_rect(object, *rect, flags) else __image = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create(object, flags) end GosuFFI.check_last_error elsif object.is_a?(FFI::Pointer) __image = object elsif object.respond_to?(:to_blob) and object.respond_to?(:columns) and object.respond_to?(:rows) blob = object.to_blob { self.format = "RGBA"; self.depth = 8 } # This creates a copy of the Ruby string data, which shouldn't be necessary with CRuby. ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(blob) rect ||= [0, 0, object.columns, object.rows] # Do not consider the terminating null byte part of the ptr length. __image = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_blob(ptr, ptr.size - 1, object.columns, object.rows, *rect, flags) GosuFFI.check_last_error else raise ArgumentError, "Expected String or RMagick::Image (or a type compatible with it)" end @managed_pointer =, GosuFFI.method(:Gosu_Image_destroy)) end def __pointer @managed_pointer end def width GosuFFI.check_last_error(GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_width(__pointer)) end def height GosuFFI.check_last_error(GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_height(__pointer)) end def draw(x, y, z, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1, color = Gosu::Color::WHITE, flags = :default) GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_draw(__pointer, x, y, z, scale_x, scale_y, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color), GosuFFI.blend_mode(flags)) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def draw_rot(x, y, z, angle = 0, center_x = 0.5, center_y = 0.5, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1, color = Gosu::Color::WHITE, flags = :default) GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_draw_rot(__pointer, x, y, z, angle, center_x, center_y, scale_x, scale_y, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color), GosuFFI.blend_mode(flags)) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def draw_as_quad(x1, y1, color1, x2, y2, color2, x3, y3, color3, x4, y4, color4, z = 0, mode = :default) GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_draw_as_quad(x1, y1, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color1), x2, y2, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color2), x3, y3, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color3), x4, y4, GosuFFI.color_to_uint32(color4), z, GosuFFI.blend_mode(mode)) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def save(filename) GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_save(__pointer, filename) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def to_blob blob = GosuFFI.check_last_error(GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_to_blob(__pointer)) blob.read_string(width * height * Gosu::Color::SIZEOF) end def subimage(left, top, width, height) __subimage = GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_create_from_subimage(__pointer, left, top, width, height) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def insert(image, x, y) image_ = nil if image.is_a?(Gosu::Image) image_ = image.__pointer elsif image.respond_to?(:to_blob) and image.respond_to?(:rows) and image.respond_to?(:columns) image_ = else raise "Unable to insert image!" end GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_insert(__pointer, image_, x, y) GosuFFI.check_last_error end def gl_tex_info tex_info = GosuFFI.check_last_error(GosuFFI.Gosu_Image_gl_tex_info_create(__pointer)) tex_info ? : nil end end end