/* Copyright 2014+, Federico Zivolo, LICENSE at https://github.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design/blob/master/LICENSE.md */ /* globals jQuery, navigator */ (function($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * Define the name of the plugin */ var ripples = "ripples"; /** * Get an instance of the plugin */ var self = null; /** * Define the defaults of the plugin */ var defaults = {}; /** * Create the main plugin function */ function Ripples(element, options) { self = this; this.element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = ripples; this.init(); } /** * Initialize the plugin */ Ripples.prototype.init = function() { var $element = this.element; $element.on("mousedown touchstart", function(event) { /** * Verify if the user is just touching on a device and return if so */ if (self.isTouch() && event.type === "mousedown") { return; } /** * Verify if the current element already has a ripple wrapper element and * creates if it doesn't */ if (!($element.find(".ripple-container").length)) { $element.append("
"); } /** * Find the ripple wrapper */ var $wrapper = $element.children(".ripple-container"); /** * Get relY and relX positions */ var relY = self.getRelY($wrapper, event); var relX = self.getRelX($wrapper, event); /** * If relY and/or relX are false, return the event */ if (!relY && !relX) { return; } /** * Get the ripple color */ var rippleColor = self.getRipplesColor($element); /** * Create the ripple element */ var $ripple = $("
"); $ripple .addClass("ripple") .css({ "left": relX, "top": relY, "background-color": rippleColor }); /** * Append the ripple to the wrapper */ $wrapper.append($ripple); /** * Make sure the ripple has the styles applied (ugly hack but it works) */ (function() { return window.getComputedStyle($ripple[0]).opacity; })(); /** * Turn on the ripple animation */ self.rippleOn($element, $ripple); /** * Call the rippleEnd function when the transition "on" ends */ setTimeout(function() { self.rippleEnd($ripple); }, 500); /** * Detect when the user leaves the element */ $element.on("mouseup mouseleave touchend", function() { $ripple.data("mousedown", "off"); if ($ripple.data("animating") === "off") { self.rippleOut($ripple); } }); }); }; /** * Get the new size based on the element height/width and the ripple width */ Ripples.prototype.getNewSize = function($element, $ripple) { return (Math.max($element.outerWidth(), $element.outerHeight()) / $ripple.outerWidth()) * 2.5; }; /** * Get the relX */ Ripples.prototype.getRelX = function($wrapper, event) { var wrapperOffset = $wrapper.offset(); if (!self.isTouch()) { /** * Get the mouse position relative to the ripple wrapper */ return event.pageX - wrapperOffset.left; } else { /** * Make sure the user is using only one finger and then get the touch * position relative to the ripple wrapper */ event = event.originalEvent; if (event.touches.length === 1) { return event.touches[0].pageX - wrapperOffset.left; } return false; } }; /** * Get the relY */ Ripples.prototype.getRelY = function($wrapper, event) { var wrapperOffset = $wrapper.offset(); if (!self.isTouch()) { /** * Get the mouse position relative to the ripple wrapper */ return event.pageY - wrapperOffset.top; } else { /** * Make sure the user is using only one finger and then get the touch * position relative to the ripple wrapper */ event = event.originalEvent; if (event.touches.length === 1) { return event.touches[0].pageY - wrapperOffset.top; } return false; } }; /** * Get the ripple color */ Ripples.prototype.getRipplesColor = function($element) { var color = $element.data("ripple-color") ? $element.data("ripple-color") : window.getComputedStyle($element[0]).color; return color; }; /** * Verify if the client browser has transistion support */ Ripples.prototype.hasTransitionSupport = function() { var thisBody = document.body || document.documentElement; var thisStyle = thisBody.style; var support = ( thisStyle.transition !== undefined || thisStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MozTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MsTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.OTransition !== undefined ); return support; }; /** * Verify if the client is using a mobile device */ Ripples.prototype.isTouch = function() { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }; /** * End the animation of the ripple */ Ripples.prototype.rippleEnd = function($ripple) { $ripple.data("animating", "off"); if ($ripple.data("mousedown") === "off") { self.rippleOut($ripple); } }; /** * Turn off the ripple effect */ Ripples.prototype.rippleOut = function($ripple) { $ripple.off(); if (self.hasTransitionSupport()) { $ripple.addClass("ripple-out"); } else { $ripple.animate({ "opacity": 0 }, 100, function() { $ripple.trigger("transitionend"); }); } $ripple.on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function() { $ripple.remove(); }); }; /** * Turn on the ripple effect */ Ripples.prototype.rippleOn = function($element, $ripple) { var size = self.getNewSize($element, $ripple); if (self.hasTransitionSupport()) { $ripple .css({ "-ms-transform": "scale(" + size + ")", "-moz-transform": "scale(" + size + ")", "-webkit-transform": "scale(" + size + ")", "transform": "scale(" + size + ")" }) .addClass("ripple-on") .data("animating", "on") .data("mousedown", "on"); } else { $ripple.animate({ "width": Math.max($element.outerWidth(), $element.outerHeight()) * 2, "height": Math.max($element.outerWidth(), $element.outerHeight()) * 2, "margin-left": Math.max($element.outerWidth(), $element.outerHeight()) * (-1), "margin-top": Math.max($element.outerWidth(), $element.outerHeight()) * (-1), "opacity": 0.2 }, 500, function() { $ripple.trigger("transitionend"); }); } }; /** * Create the jquery plugin function */ $.fn.ripples = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + ripples)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + ripples, new Ripples(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);