open Base type palindrome_products = { value : int; factors : (int * int) list; } [@@deriving show, eq] let invalid_input_error min max = Error (Printf.sprintf "invalid input: min is %d and max is %d" min max) let is_palindrome n = let n = Int.to_string n in String.(rev n = n) let to_palindrome_products (xs : (int * (int * int)) list): palindrome_products = let value = fst (List.hd_exn xs) in let factors = ~f:snd xs in {value; factors} let seq stride = Sequence.range ~start:`inclusive ~stop:`inclusive ~stride let smallest ~min ~max = if min > max then invalid_input_error min max else let open Sequence.Monad_infix in let seq = seq 1 in let products = seq min max >>= fun x -> seq x max >>= fun y -> Sequence.singleton (x * y, (x, y)) |> Sequence.filter ~f:(fun (n, _) -> is_palindrome n) in products |> Sequence.to_list |> List.sort ~cmp:(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x y) |> ~break:(fun (x, _) (y, _) -> x <> y) |> List.hd |> ~f:to_palindrome_products |> Result.of_option ~error:(Printf.sprintf "no palindrome with factors in the range %d to %d" min max) let largest ~min ~max = if min > max then invalid_input_error min max else let open Sequence.Monad_infix in let seq = seq (-1) in let products = seq max min >>= fun x -> seq x min >>= fun y -> Sequence.singleton (x * y, (y, x)) |> Sequence.filter ~f:(fun (n, _) -> is_palindrome n) in products |> Sequence.to_list |> List.sort ~cmp:(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> y x) |> ~break:(fun (x, _) (y, _) -> x <> y) |> List.hd |> ~f:to_palindrome_products |> Result.of_option ~error:(Printf.sprintf "no palindrome with factors in the range %d to %d" min max)