# frozen_string_literal: true module Deimos module Utils # Class which continually polls the kafka_messages table # in the database and sends Kafka messages. class DbProducer include Phobos::Producer attr_accessor :id, :current_topic # @return [Integer] BATCH_SIZE = 1000 # @return [Integer] DELETE_BATCH_SIZE = 10 # @return [Integer] MAX_DELETE_ATTEMPTS = 3 # @param logger [Logger] def initialize(logger=Logger.new(STDOUT)) @id = SecureRandom.uuid @logger = logger @logger.push_tags("DbProducer #{@id}") if @logger.respond_to?(:push_tags) end # @return [FigTree] def config Deimos.config.db_producer end # Start the poll. # @return [void] def start @logger.info('Starting...') @signal_to_stop = false ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! loop do if @signal_to_stop @logger.info('Shutting down') break end send_pending_metrics process_next_messages end end # Stop the poll. # @return [void] def stop @logger.info('Received signal to stop') @signal_to_stop = true end # Complete one loop of processing all messages in the DB. # @return [void] def process_next_messages topics = retrieve_topics @logger.info("Found topics: #{topics}") topics.each(&method(:process_topic)) KafkaTopicInfo.ping_empty_topics(topics) sleep(0.5) end # @return [Array] def retrieve_topics KafkaMessage.select('distinct topic').map(&:topic).uniq end # @param topic [String] # @return [String, nil] the topic that was locked, or nil if none were. def process_topic(topic) # If the topic is already locked, another producer is currently # working on it. Move on to the next one. unless KafkaTopicInfo.lock(topic, @id) @logger.debug("Could not lock topic #{topic} - continuing") return end @current_topic = topic loop { break unless process_topic_batch } KafkaTopicInfo.clear_lock(@current_topic, @id) rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Error processing messages for topic #{@current_topic}: #{e.class.name}: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") KafkaTopicInfo.register_error(@current_topic, @id) shutdown_producer end # Process a single batch in a topic. # @return [void] def process_topic_batch messages = retrieve_messages return false if messages.empty? batch_size = messages.size compacted_messages = compact_messages(messages) log_messages(compacted_messages) Deimos.instrument('db_producer.produce', topic: @current_topic, messages: compacted_messages) do begin produce_messages(compacted_messages.map(&:phobos_message)) rescue Kafka::BufferOverflow, Kafka::MessageSizeTooLarge, Kafka::RecordListTooLarge => e delete_messages(messages) @logger.error('Message batch too large, deleting...') begin @logger.error(Deimos::KafkaMessage.decoded(messages)) rescue StandardError => logging_exception # rubocop:disable Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName @logger.error("Large message details logging failure: #{logging_exception.message}") ensure raise e end end end delete_messages(messages) Deimos.config.metrics&.increment( 'db_producer.process', tags: %W(topic:#{@current_topic}), by: messages.size ) return false if batch_size < BATCH_SIZE KafkaTopicInfo.heartbeat(@current_topic, @id) # keep alive send_pending_metrics true end # @param messages [Array] # @return [void] def delete_messages(messages) attempts = 1 begin messages.in_groups_of(DELETE_BATCH_SIZE, false).each do |batch| Deimos::KafkaMessage.where(topic: batch.first.topic, id: batch.map(&:id)). delete_all end rescue StandardError => e if (e.message =~ /Lock wait/i || e.message =~ /Lost connection/i) && attempts <= MAX_DELETE_ATTEMPTS attempts += 1 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.verify! sleep(1) retry end raise end end # @return [Array] def retrieve_messages KafkaMessage.where(topic: @current_topic).order(:id).limit(BATCH_SIZE) end # @param messages [Array] # @return [void] def log_messages(messages) return if config.log_topics != :all && !config.log_topics.include?(@current_topic) @logger.debug do decoded_messages = Deimos::KafkaMessage.decoded(messages) "DB producer: Topic #{@current_topic} Producing messages: #{decoded_messages}}" end end # Send metrics related to pending messages. # @return [void] def send_pending_metrics metrics = Deimos.config.metrics return unless metrics topics = KafkaTopicInfo.select(%w(topic last_processed_at)) messages = Deimos::KafkaMessage. select('count(*) as num_messages, min(created_at) as earliest, topic'). group(:topic). index_by(&:topic) topics.each do |record| message_record = messages[record.topic] # We want to record the last time we saw any activity, meaning either # the oldest message, or the last time we processed, whichever comes # last. if message_record record_earliest = message_record.earliest # SQLite gives a string here if record_earliest.is_a?(String) record_earliest = Time.zone.parse(record_earliest) end earliest = [record.last_processed_at, record_earliest].max time_diff = Time.zone.now - earliest metrics.gauge('pending_db_messages_max_wait', time_diff, tags: ["topic:#{record.topic}"]) else # no messages waiting metrics.gauge('pending_db_messages_max_wait', 0, tags: ["topic:#{record.topic}"]) end metrics.gauge('pending_db_messages_count', message_record&.num_messages || 0, tags: ["topic:#{record.topic}"]) end end # Shut down the sync producer if we have to. Phobos will automatically # create a new one. We should call this if the producer can be in a bad # state and e.g. we need to clear the buffer. # @return [void] def shutdown_producer if self.class.producer.respond_to?(:sync_producer_shutdown) # Phobos 1.8.3 self.class.producer.sync_producer_shutdown end end # Produce messages in batches, reducing the size 1/10 if the batch is too # large. Does not retry batches of messages that have already been sent. # @param batch [Array] # @return [void] def produce_messages(batch) batch_size = batch.size current_index = 0 begin batch[current_index..-1].in_groups_of(batch_size, false).each do |group| @logger.debug("Publishing #{group.size} messages to #{@current_topic}") producer.publish_list(group) Deimos.config.metrics&.increment( 'publish', tags: %W(status:success topic:#{@current_topic}), by: group.size ) current_index += group.size @logger.info("Sent #{group.size} messages to #{@current_topic}") end rescue Kafka::BufferOverflow, Kafka::MessageSizeTooLarge, Kafka::RecordListTooLarge => e if batch_size == 1 shutdown_producer raise end @logger.error("Got error #{e.class.name} when publishing #{batch.size} in groups of #{batch_size}, retrying...") batch_size = if batch_size < 10 1 else (batch_size / 10).to_i end shutdown_producer retry end end # @param batch [Array] # @return [Array] def compact_messages(batch) return batch if batch.first&.key.blank? topic = batch.first.topic return batch if config.compact_topics != :all && !config.compact_topics.include?(topic) batch.reverse.uniq(&:key).reverse! end end end end