require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/accept_media_types' # Accept header parsing was looked at but deemed # too much of an irregularity to deal with. Problems with the header # differences from IE, Firefox, Safari, and every other UA causes # problems with the expected output. The general expected behavior # would be serve html when no extension provided, but most UAs say # they will accept application/xml with out a quality indicator, meaning # you'd get the xml block served insead. Just plain retarded, use the # extension and you'll never be suprised. module Sinatra module RespondTo class UnhandledFormat < Sinatra::NotFound; end class MissingTemplate < Sinatra::NotFound def code; 500 end end TEXT_MIME_TYPES = [:txt, :html, :js, :json, :xml, :rss, :atom, :css, :asm, :c, :cc, :conf, :csv, :cxx, :diff, :dtd, :f, :f77, :f90, :for, :gemspec, :h, :hh, :htm, :log, :mathml, :mml, :p, :pas, :pl, :pm, :py, :rake, :rb, :rdf, :rtf, :ru, :s, :sgm, :sgml, :sh, :svg, :svgz, :text, :wsdl, :xhtml, :xsl, :xslt, :yaml, :yml, :ics, :png] def self.registered(app) app.helpers RespondTo::Helpers app.set :default_charset, 'utf-8' app.set :default_content, :html app.set :assume_xhr_is_js, true # We remove the trailing extension so routes # don't have to be of the style # # get '/resouce.:format' # # They can instead be of the style # # get '/resource' # # and the format will automatically be available in format app.before do response['Content-Type'] = '' # Let through sinatra image urls in development next if self.class.development? && request.path_info =~ %r{/__sinatra__/.*?.png} unless options.static? && options.public? && (request.get? || request.head?) && static_file?(request.path_info) rpi = request.path_info.sub(%r{\.([^\./]+)$}, '') if (not $1) or ($1 and TEXT_MIME_TYPES.include?($1.to_sym)) request.path_info, ext = rpi, nil if ! $1.nil? ext = $1 elsif env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].nil? || env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].empty? ext = options.default_content end if ext @mime_types = [ Helpers::mime_type(ext) ] format ext end end end end app.configure :development do |dev| dev.error UnhandledFormat do content_type :html, :charset => 'utf-8' (<<-HTML).gsub(/^ {10}/, '')

Sinatra doesn't know this ditty.

Try this:
#{request.request_method.downcase} '#{request.path_info}' do\n  respond_to do |wants|\n    wants.#{format} { "Hello World" }\n  end\nend
HTML end dev.error MissingTemplate do content_type :html, :charset => 'utf-8' response.status = request.env['sinatra.error'].code engine = request.env['sinatra.error'].message.split('.').last engine = 'haml' unless ['haml', 'builder', 'erb'].include? engine path = File.basename(request.path_info) path = "root" if path.nil? || path.empty? format = engine == 'builder' ? 'xml' : 'html' layout = case engine when 'haml' then "!!!\n%html\n %body= yield" when 'erb' then "\n \n <%= yield %>\n \n" when 'builder' then ::Sinatra::VERSION =~ /^1.0/ ? "xml << yield" : "builder do |xml|\n xml << yield\nend" end layout = "app.#{format}.#{engine}\n
" (<<-HTML).gsub(/^ {10}/, '')

Sinatra can't find #{request.env['sinatra.error'].message}

Try this:
#{layout} #{path}.#{format}.#{engine}
Hello World!
#{request.request_method.downcase} '#{request.path_info}' do\n  respond_to do |wants|\n    wants.#{engine == 'builder' ? 'xml' : 'html'} { #{engine} :#{path}#{",\n#{' '*32}layout => :app" if layout} }\n  end\nend
HTML end end app.class_eval do private def accept_list @mime_types ||['HTTP_ACCEPT'] || '') end # Changes in 1.0 Sinatra reuse render for layout so we store # the original value to tell us if this is an automatic attempt # to do a layout call. If it is, it might fail with Errno::ENOENT # and we want to pass that back to sinatra since it isn't a MissingTemplate # error def render_with_format(*args, &block) assumed_layout = args[1] == :layout args[1] = "#{args[1]}.#{format}".to_sym if args[1].is_a?(::Symbol) render_without_format *args, &block rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise MissingTemplate, "#{args[1]}.#{args[0]}" unless assumed_layout raise e end alias_method :render_without_format, :render alias_method :render, :render_with_format if ::Sinatra::VERSION =~ /^0\.9/ def lookup_layout_with_format(*args) args[1] = "#{args[1]}.#{format}".to_sym if args[1].is_a?(::Symbol) lookup_layout_without_format *args end alias_method :lookup_layout_without_format, :lookup_layout alias_method :lookup_layout, :lookup_layout_with_format end end end module Helpers # Patch the content_type function to remember the set type # This helps cut down on time in the format helper so it # doesn't have to do a reverse lookup on the header def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do def content_type_with_save(*args) content_type_without_save *args @_format = args.first.to_sym response['Content-Type'] end alias_method :content_type_without_save, :content_type alias_method :content_type, :content_type_with_save end if ::Sinatra::VERSION =~ /^1.0/ end def self.mime_type(sym) ::Sinatra::Base.respond_to?(:mime_type) && ::Sinatra::Base.mime_type(sym) || ::Sinatra::Base.media_type(sym) end def format(val=nil) unless val.nil? mime_type = ::Sinatra::RespondTo::Helpers.mime_type(val) fail "Unknown media type #{val}\nTry registering the extension with a mime type" if mime_type.nil? @_format = val.to_sym response['Content-Type'].sub!(/^[^;]+/, mime_type) charset options.default_charset if Sinatra::RespondTo::TEXT_MIME_TYPES.include?(format) and format!=:png end @_format end # This is mostly just a helper so request.path_info isn't changed when # serving files from the public directory def static_file?(path) public_dir = File.expand_path(options.public) path = File.expand_path(File.join(public_dir, unescape(path))) path[0, public_dir.length] == public_dir && File.file?(path) end def charset(val=nil) fail "Content-Type must be set in order to specify a charset" if response['Content-Type'].nil? if response['Content-Type'] =~ /charset=[^;]+/ response['Content-Type'].sub!(/charset=[^;]+/, (val == '' && '') || "charset=#{val}") else response['Content-Type'] += ";charset=#{val}" end unless val.nil? response['Content-Type'][/charset=([^;]+)/, 1] end def respond_to(&block) wants = yield wants fmt, type, handler = match_accept_type(accept_list, wants) raise UnhandledFormat if fmt.nil? format fmt handler.nil? ? nil : end def match_accept_type(mime_types, format) selected = [] accepted_types = {|type| Regexp.escape(type).gsub(/\\\*/,'.*') } # Fix for Chrome based browsers which returns XML when 'xhtml' is requested. if env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /Chrome/ and accepted_types.size>1 accepted_types[0], accepted_types[1] = accepted_types[1], accepted_types[0] if accepted_types[0].eql?('application/xhtml\\+xml') accepted_types[0] = 'text/html' end end accepted_types.each do |at| format.each do |fmt, ht, handler| (selected = [fmt, ht, handler]) and break if ht.match(at) end break unless selected.empty? end selected end # NOTE Array instead of hash because order matters (wildcard type # matches first handler) class Format < Array #:nodoc: def method_missing(format, *args, &handler) mt = Sinatra::RespondTo::Helpers.mime_type(format) if mt.nil? Sinatra::Base.send(:fail, "Unknown media type for respond_to: #{format}\nTry registering the extension with a mime type") end self << [format.to_s, mt, handler] end end end end end Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.merge!({ ".gv" => "text/plain" }) Sinatra::Application.register Sinatra::RespondTo