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Inspired by: - https://github.com/mchwalisz/pysenec - https://gist.github.com/smashnet/82ad0b9d7f0ba2e5098e6649ba08f88a - https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/932140/2s9YXib2td ## Installation ```bash $ gem install senec ``` ## Usage ### Cloud access (V2.1, V3 and V4) ```ruby require 'senec' # Login to the SENEC cloud connection = Senec::Cloud::Connection.new(username: 'me@example.com', password: 'my-secret-senec-password') # List all available systems puts connection.systems # => [{"id"=>"123456", "steuereinheitnummer"=>"S123XXX", "gehaeusenummer"=>"DE-V3-XXXX", "strasse"=>"Musterstraße", "hausnummer"=>"27a", "postleitzahl"=>"99999", "ort"=>"Musterort", "laendercode"=>"DE", "zeitzone"=>"Europe/Berlin", "wallboxIds"=>["1"], "systemType"=>"V3"}] # Get the Dashboard data of first systems (without knowing the ID): puts Senec::Cloud::Dashboard[connection].first.data # => {"aktuell"=> # {"stromerzeugung"=>{"wert"=>0.01, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "stromverbrauch"=>{"wert"=>860.0, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "netzeinspeisung"=>{"wert"=>0.01, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "netzbezug"=>{"wert"=>852.6270000000001, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "speicherbeladung"=>{"wert"=>0.01, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "speicherentnahme"=>{"wert"=>11.68, "einheit"=>"W"}, # "speicherfuellstand"=>{"wert"=>1.0e-05, "einheit"=>"%"}, # "autarkie"=>{"wert"=>1.35, "einheit"=>"%"}, # "wallbox"=>{"wert"=>0.01, "einheit"=>"W"}}, # "heute"=> # {"stromerzeugung"=>{"wert"=>3339.84375, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "stromverbrauch"=>{"wert"=>21000.0, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "netzeinspeisung"=>{"wert"=>13.671875, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "netzbezug"=>{"wert"=>17546.38671875, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "speicherbeladung"=>{"wert"=>119.140625, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "speicherentnahme"=>{"wert"=>254.39453125, "einheit"=>"Wh"}, # "speicherfuellstand"=>{"wert"=>0.0, "einheit"=>"%"}, # "autarkie"=>{"wert"=>16.47, "einheit"=>"%"}, # "wallbox"=>{"wert"=>0.0, "einheit"=>"Wh"}}, # "zeitstempel"=>"2023-11-26T18:45:23Z", # "electricVehicleConnected"=>false} # Get the Dashboard data of a specific system (by ID): puts Senec::Cloud::Dashboard[connection].find("123456").data # => {"aktuell"=> # {"stromerzeugung"=>{"wert"=>0.01, "einheit"=>"W"}, # .... # Get the Technical Data of a specific system (by ID): puts Senec::Cloud::TechnicalData[connection].find("123456").data # => {"systemOverview"=>{"systemId"=>123456, "productName"=>"SENEC.Home V3 hybrid duo", ... # Get the Technical Data of first systems (without knowing the ID): puts Senec::Cloud::TechnicalData[connection].first.data # => {"systemOverview"=>{"systemId"=>123456, "productName"=>"SENEC.Home V3 hybrid duo", ... ``` ### Local access (V2.1 and V3 only) ```ruby require 'senec' connection = Senec::Local::Connection.new(host: '', schema: 'https') request = Senec::Local::Request.new(connection:) puts "PV production: #{request.inverter_power} W" puts "House power consumption: #{request.house_power} W" puts "\n" puts "Battery charge power: #{request.bat_power} W" puts "Battery fuel charge: #{request.bat_fuel_charge} %" puts "Battery charge current: #{request.bat_charge_current} A" puts "Battery voltage: #{request.bat_voltage} V" puts "\n" puts "Case temperature: #{request.case_temp} °C" puts "\n" puts "Wallbox charge power: [ #{request.wallbox_charge_power.join(',')} ] W" puts "\n" puts "Grid power: #{request.grid_power} W" puts "Current state of the system: #{request.current_state_code}" puts "Measure time: #{Time.at request.measure_time}" # Example result: # # PV production: 1530 W # House power consumption: 870 W # # Battery charge power: 974 W # Battery fuel charge: 11.3 % # Battery charge current: 19.8 A # Battery voltage: 49.2 V # # Case temperature: 31.3 °C # # Wallbox charge power: [ 8680, 0, 0, 0 ] W # # Grid power: 315 W # Current state of the system: 14 # Measure time: 2021-10-06 17:50:22 +0200 ``` To get the state name (in English, German or Italian) instead of just the number: ```ruby # Get a Hash with all available state names: state_names = Senec::State.new(connection:).names(language: :de) # or :en or :it # Use this hash for the number => string mapping: request = Senec::Request.new(connection:, state_names:) puts request.current_state_name # => "LADEN" ``` The state names are extracted from the JavaScript source code returned by the SENEC web interface. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/solectrus/senec. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/solectrus/senec/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Georg Ledermann ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in this project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/solectrus/senec/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).