###* Caching and preloading ====================== All HTTP requests go through the Up.js proxy. It caches a limited number The cache is cleared whenever the user makes a non-´GET` request (like `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`). The proxy can also used to speed up reaction times by preloading links when the user hovers over the click area (or puts the mouse/finger down before releasing). This way the response will already be cached when the user performs the click. @class up.proxy ### up.proxy = (-> config = preloadDelay: 50 cacheSize: 70 cacheExpiry: 1000 * 60 * 5 ###* @method up.proxy.defaults @param {Number} [preloadDelay] @param {Number} [cacheSize] @param {Number} [cacheExpiry] The number of milliseconds until a cache entry expires. ### defaults = (options) -> u.extend(config, options) cache = {} u = up.util $waitingLink = null delayTimer = null cacheKey = (request) -> normalizeRequest(request) [ request.url, request.method, request.selector ].join('|') trim = -> keys = u.keys(cache) if keys.length > config.cacheSize oldestKey = null oldestTimestamp = null u.each keys, (key) -> promise = cache[key] # we don't need to call cacheKey here timestamp = promise.timestamp if !oldestTimestamp || oldestTimestamp > timestamp oldestKey = key oldestTimestamp = timestamp delete cache[oldestKey] if oldestKey timestamp = -> (new Date()).valueOf() normalizeRequest = (request) -> debugger unless u.isHash(request) unless request._requestNormalized request.method = u.normalizeMethod(request.method) request.url = u.normalizeUrl(request.url) if request.url request.selector ||= 'body' request._requestNormalized = true request alias = (oldRequest, newRequest) -> u.debug("Aliasing %o to %o", oldRequest, newRequest) if promise = get(oldRequest) set(newRequest, promise) ### @method up.proxy.ajax @param {String} options.url @param {String} [options.method='GET'] @param {String} [options.selector] ### ajax = (request) -> if !isIdempotent(request) clear() # We don't cache non-GET responses promise = u.ajax(request) else if promise = get(request) touch(promise) else promise = u.ajax(request) set(request, promise) promise SAFE_HTTP_METHODS = ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD'] isIdempotent = (request) -> normalizeRequest(request) u.contains(SAFE_HTTP_METHODS, request.method) ensureIsIdempotent = (request) -> isIdempotent(request) or u.error("Won't preload non-GET request %o", request) isFresh = (promise) -> timeSinceTouch = timestamp() - promise.timestamp timeSinceTouch < config.cacheExpiry touch = (promise) -> promise.timestamp = timestamp() get = (request) -> key = cacheKey(request) if promise = cache[key] if !isFresh(promise) u.debug("Discarding stale cache entry for %o (%o)", request.url, request) remove(request) undefined else u.debug("Cache hit for %o (%o)", request.url, request) # $('body').css('background-color': 'green') promise else u.debug("Cache miss for %o (%o)", request.url, request) # $('body').css('background-color': 'yellow') undefined set = (request, promise) -> trim() key = cacheKey(request) cache[key] = promise touch(promise) promise remove = (request) -> key = cacheKey(request) delete cache[key] clear = -> cache = {} checkPreload = ($link) -> delay = parseInt(u.presentAttr($link, 'up-delay')) || config.preloadDelay unless $link.is($waitingLink) $waitingLink = $link cancelDelay() curriedPreload = -> preload($link) startDelay(curriedPreload, delay) startDelay = (block, delay) -> delayTimer = setTimeout(block, delay) cancelDelay = -> clearTimeout(delayTimer) delayTimer = null preload = (link, options) -> options = u.options() ensureIsIdempotent(options) u.debug("Preloading %o", link) options.preload = true up.link.follow(link, options) reset = -> cancelDelay() cache = {} up.bus.on 'framework:reset', reset ### Links with an `up-preload` attribute will silently fetch their target when the user hovers over the click area, or when the user puts her mouse/finger down (before releasing). This way the response will already be cached when the user performs the click, making the interaction feel instant. @method [up-preload] @ujs ### up.on 'mouseover mousedown touchstart', '[up-preload]', (event, $element) -> # Don't do anything if we are hovering over the child # of a link. The actual link will receive the event # and bubble in a second. unless up.link.childClicked(event, $element) checkPreload(up.link.resolve($element)) preload: preload ajax: ajax get: get set: set alias: alias clear: clear defaults: defaults )()