var ANCHOR_TOP = 1,
uki.view.declare('uki.view.Base', uki.view.Observable, uki.view.Styleable, function(Observable, Styleable) {
var layoutId = 1;
this.defaultCss = 'position:absolute;z-index:100;-moz-user-focus:none;';
* Base class for all uki views.
View creates and layouts dom nodes. uki.view.Base defines basic API for other views.
* It also defines common layout algorithms.
* Layout
* View layout is defined by rectangle and anchors.
* Rectangle is passed to constructor, anchors are set through the #anchors attribute.
* Rectangle defines initial position and size. Anchors specify how view will move and
* resize when its parent is resized.
* 2 phases of layout
* Layout process has 2 phases.
* First views rectangles are recalculated. This may happen several times before dom
* is touched. This is done either explicitly through #rect attribute or through
* #parentResized callbacks.
* After rectangles are set #layout is called. This actually updates dom styles.
* @example
* uki({ view: 'Base', rect: '10 20 100 50', anchors: 'left top right' })
* // Creates Base view with initial x = 10px, y = 20px, width = 100px, height = 50px.
* // When parent resizes x, y and height will stay the same. Width will resize with parent.
* @see uki.view.Base#anchors
* @constructor
* @augments uki.view.Observable
* @augments uki.view.Styleable
* @name uki.view.Base
* @implements uki.view.Observable
* @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect initial position and size
this.init = function(rect) {
this._parentRect = this._rect = Rect.create(rect);
/**#@+ @memberOf uki.view.Base# */
/** @private */
this._setup = function() {
uki.extend(this, {
_anchors: 0,
_parent: null,
_visible: true,
_needsLayout: true,
_textSelectable: false,
_styleH: 'left',
_styleV: 'top',
_firstLayout: true
this.defaultCss +='base');
* Get views container dom node.
* @returns {Element} dom
this.dom = function() {
return this._dom;
/* ------------------------------- Common settings --------------------------------*/
* Used for fast (on hash lookup) view searches: uki('#view_id');
* @param {string=} id New id value
* @returns {string|uki.view.Base} current id or self
*/ = function(id) {
if (id === undefined) return;
if ( uki.unregisterId(this); = id;
return this;
* Accessor for dom().className
* @param {string=} className
* @returns {string|uki.view.Base} className or self
uki.delegateProp(this, 'className', '_dom');
* Accessor for view visibility.
* @param {boolean=} state
* @returns {boolean|uki.view.Base} current visibility state of self
this.visible = function(state) {
if (state === undefined) return != 'none'; = state ? 'block' : 'none';
return this;
* Accessor for background attribute.
* @param {string|uki.background.Base=} background
* @returns {uki.background.Base|uki.view.Base} current background or self
this.background = function(val) {
if (val === undefined && !this._background && this.defaultBackground) this._background = this.defaultBackground();
if (val === undefined) return this._background;
val = uki.background(val);
if (val == this._background) return this;
if (this._background) this._background.detach(this);
this._background = val;
return this;
* Accessor for default background attribute.
* @name defaultBackground
* @function
* @returns {uki.background.Base} default background if not overridden through attribute
this.defaultBackground = function() {
return this._defaultBackground && uki.background(this._defaultBackground);
/* ----------------------------- Container api ------------------------------*/
* Accessor attribute for parent view. When parent is set view appends its #dom
* to parents #domForChild
* @param {?uki.view.Base=} parent
* @returns {uki.view.Base} parent or self
this.parent = function(parent) {
if (parent === undefined) return this._parent;
// if (this._parent) this._dom.parentNode.removeChild(this._dom);
this._parent = parent;
// if (this._parent) this._parent.domForChild(this).appendChild(this._dom);
return this;
* Accessor for childViews. @see uki.view.Container for implementation
* @returns {Array.}
this.childViews = function() {
return [];
* Reader for previous view
* @returns {uki.view.Base}
this.prevView = function() {
if (!this.parent()) return null;
return this.parent().childViews()[this._viewIndex - 1] || null;
* Reader for next view
* @returns {uki.view.Base}
this.nextView = function() {
if (!this.parent()) return null;
return this.parent().childViews()[this._viewIndex + 1] || null;
/* ----------------------------- Layout ------------------------------*/
* Sets or retrieves view's position and size.
* @param {string|uki.geometry.Rect} newRect
* @returns {uki.view.Base} self
this.rect = function(newRect) {
if (newRect === undefined) return this._rect;
newRect = Rect.create(newRect);
this._parentRect = newRect;
this._rect = this._normalizeRect(newRect);
this._needsLayout = this._needsLayout || layoutId++;
return this;
* Set or get sides which the view should be attached to.
* When a view is attached to a side the distance between this side and views border
* will remain constant on resize. Anchor can be any combination of
* "top", "right", "bottom", "left", "width" and "height".
* If you set both "right" and "left" than "width" is assumed.
* Anchors are stored as a bit mask. Though its easier to set them using strings
* @function
* @param {string|number} anchors
* @returns {number|uki.view.Base} anchors or self
this.anchors = uki.newProp('_anchors', function(anchors) {
if (anchors.indexOf) {
var tmp = 0;
if (anchors.indexOf('right' ) > -1) tmp |= ANCHOR_RIGHT;
if (anchors.indexOf('bottom' ) > -1) tmp |= ANCHOR_BOTTOM;
if (anchors.indexOf('top' ) > -1) tmp |= ANCHOR_TOP;
if (anchors.indexOf('left' ) > -1) tmp |= ANCHOR_LEFT;
if (anchors.indexOf('width' ) > -1 || (tmp & ANCHOR_LEFT && tmp & ANCHOR_RIGHT)) tmp |= ANCHOR_WIDTH;
if (anchors.indexOf('height' ) > -1 || (tmp & ANCHOR_BOTTOM && tmp & ANCHOR_TOP)) tmp |= ANCHOR_HEIGHT;
anchors = tmp;
this._anchors = anchors;
this._styleH = anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT ? 'left' : 'right';
this._styleV = anchors & ANCHOR_TOP ? 'top' : 'bottom';
* Returns rectangle for child layout. Usually equals to #rect. Though in some cases,
* client rectangle my differ from #rect. Example uki.view.ScrollPane.
* @param {uki.view.Base} child
* @returns {uki.geometry.Rect}
this.rectForChild = function(child) {
return this.rect();
* Updates dom to match #rect property.
* Layout is designed to minimize dom writes. If view is anchored to the right then
* style.right is used, style.left for left anchor, etc. If browser supports this
* both style.right and style.left are used. Otherwise style.width will be updated
* manually on each resize.
* @fires event:layout
* @see uki.dom.initNativeLayout
this.layout = function() {
this._needsLayout = false;
this.trigger('layout', {rect: this._rect, source: this});
this._firstLayout = false;
this.layoutIfNeeded = function() {
if (this._needsLayout && this.visible()) this.layout();
* @function uki.view.Base#minSize
* @function uki.view.Base#maxSize
uki.each(['min', 'max'], function(i, name) {
var attr = name + 'Size',
prop = '_' + attr;
this[attr] = function(s) {
if (s === undefined) return this[prop] || new Size();
this[prop] = Size.create(s);
this.rect(this._parentRect);[name + 'Width'] = this[prop].width ? this[prop].width + PX : '';[name + 'Height'] = this[prop].height ? this[prop].height + PX : '';
return this;
}, this);
* Resizes view when parent changes size according to anchors.
* Called from parent view. Usually after parent's #rect is called.
* @param {uki.geometry.Rect} oldSize
* @param {uki.geometry.Rect} newSize
this.parentResized = function(oldSize, newSize) {
var newRect = this._parentRect.clone(),
dX = (newSize.width - oldSize.width) /
((this._anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT ^ ANCHOR_LEFT ? 1 : 0) + // flexible left
(this._anchors & ANCHOR_WIDTH ? 1 : 0) +
(this._anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT ^ ANCHOR_RIGHT ? 1 : 0)), // flexible right
dY = (newSize.height - oldSize.height) /
((this._anchors & ANCHOR_TOP ^ ANCHOR_TOP ? 1 : 0) + // flexible top
(this._anchors & ANCHOR_HEIGHT ? 1 : 0) +
(this._anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM ^ ANCHOR_BOTTOM ? 1 : 0)); // flexible right
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT ^ ANCHOR_LEFT) newRect.x += dX;
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_WIDTH) newRect.width += dX;
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_TOP ^ ANCHOR_TOP) newRect.y += dY;
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_HEIGHT) newRect.height += dY;
* Called when child changes it's size
this.childResized = function(child) {
// do nothing, extend in subviews
* Resizes view to its contents. Contents size is determined by view.
* View can be resized by width, height or both. This is specified through
* autosizeStr param.
* View will grow shrink according to its #anchors.
* @param {autosizeStr} autosize
* @returns {uki.view.Base} self
this.resizeToContents = function(autosizeStr) {
var autosize = decodeAutosize(autosizeStr);
if (0 == autosize) return this;
var oldRect = this.rect(),
newRect = this._calcRectOnContentResize(autosize);
// if (newRect.eq(oldRect)) return this;
// this.rect(newRect);
this._rect = this._parentRect = newRect;
this._needsLayout = true;
return this;
* Calculates view's contents size. Redefined in subclasses.
* @param {number} autosize Bitmask
* @returns {uki.geometry.Rect}
this.contentsSize = function(autosize) {
return this.rect();
/** @private */
this._normalizeRect = function(rect) {
if (this._minSize) {
rect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, MAX(this._minSize.width, rect.width), MAX(this._minSize.height, rect.height));
if (this._maxSize) {
rect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, MIN(this._maxSize.width, rect.width), MIN(this._maxSize.height, rect.height));
return rect;
/** @ignore */
function decodeAutosize (autosizeStr) {
if (!autosizeStr) return 0;
var autosize = 0;
if (autosizeStr.indexOf('width' ) > -1) autosize = autosize | ANCHOR_WIDTH;
if (autosizeStr.indexOf('height') > -1) autosize = autosize | ANCHOR_HEIGHT;
return autosize;
/** @private */
this._initBackgrounds = function() {
if (this.background()) this.background().attachTo(this);
/** @private */
this._calcRectOnContentResize = function(autosize) {
var newSize = this.contentsSize( autosize ),
oldSize = this.rect();
if (newSize.eq(oldSize)) return oldSize; // nothing changed
// calculate where to resize
var newRect = this.rect().clone(),
dX = newSize.width - oldSize.width,
dY = newSize.height - oldSize.height;
if (autosize & ANCHOR_WIDTH) {
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT ^ ANCHOR_LEFT && this._anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT ^ ANCHOR_RIGHT) {
newRect.x -= dX/2;
} else if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT ^ ANCHOR_LEFT) {
newRect.x -= dX;
newRect.width += dX;
if (autosize & ANCHOR_HEIGHT) {
if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_TOP ^ ANCHOR_TOP && this._anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM ^ ANCHOR_BOTTOM) {
newRect.y -= dY/2;
} else if (this._anchors & ANCHOR_TOP ^ ANCHOR_TOP) {
newRect.y -= dY;
newRect.height += dY;
return newRect;
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#width */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#height */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#minX */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#maxX */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#minY */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#maxY */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#left */
/** @function
@name uki.view.Base#top */
uki.each(['width', 'height', 'minX', 'maxX', 'minY', 'maxY', 'x', 'y', 'left', 'top'], function(index, attr) {
this[attr] = function(value) {
if (value === undefined) return uki.attr(this.rect(), attr);
uki.attr(this.rect(), attr, value);
return this;
}, this);
/* ---------------------------------- Dom --------------------------------*/
* Called through a second layout pass when _dom should be created
* @private
this._createDom = function() {
this._dom = uki.createElement('div', this.defaultCss);
this._initClassName = function() {
this._dom.className = this.typeName().replace(/\./g, '-');
* Called through a second layout pass when _dom is already created
* @private
this._layoutDom = function(rect) {
var l = {}, s = uki.supportNativeLayout, relativeRect = this.parent().rectForChild(this);
if (s && this._anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT && this._anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT) {
l.left = rect.x;
l.right = relativeRect.width - rect.x - rect.width;
} else {
l.width = rect.width;
l[this._styleH] = this._styleH == 'left' ? rect.x : relativeRect.width - rect.x - rect.width;
if (s && this._anchors & ANCHOR_TOP && this._anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM) { = rect.y;
l.bottom = relativeRect.height - rect.y - rect.height;
} else {
l.height = rect.height;
l[this._styleV] = this._styleV == 'top' ? rect.y : relativeRect.height - rect.y - rect.height;
this._lastLayout = uki.dom.layout(, l, this._lastLayout);
if (this._firstLayout) this._initBackgrounds();
return true;
/** @private */
this._bindToDom = function(name) {
if ('resize layout'.indexOf(name) > -1) return true;
return, name);