require 'parse_capitalone_pdf_statement/version' require 'pdf-reader' require 'json' require 'date' # CapitalOneStatement object, with data parsed from a PDF monthly statement. # # @!attribute start_date [r] # @return [Date] the first day of the monthly statement # # @!attribute end_date [r] # @return [Date] the final day of the monthly statement # # @!attribute previous_balance [r] # @return [Float] the "Previous Balance" field listed in the statement # # @!attribute total_payments [r] # @return [Float] the "Payments and Credits" field listed in the statement # # @!attribute total_fees [r] # @return [Float] the "Fees and Interest Charged" field listed in the statement # # @!attribute total_transactions [r] # @return [Float] the "Transactions" field listed in the statement # # @!attribute new_balance [r] # @return [Float] the New Balance listed in the statement # # @!attribute payments [r] # @return [Array] array of payment transactions # # @!attribute transactions [r] # @return [Array] array of charge transactions # # @!attribute fees [r] # @return [Array] array of fee transactions class CapitalOneStatement DATE_REGEX = /(\w{3})\. (\d\d) - (\w{3})\. (\d\d), (\d{4})/ AMOUNT_REGEX = /\(?\$[\d,]+\.\d\d\)?/ AMOUNT_ONLY_REGEX = /^ *#{AMOUNT_REGEX.source} *$/ FEES_REGEX = /Total Fees This Period +(#{AMOUNT_REGEX.source})/ INTEREST_REGEX = /Total Interest This Period +(#{AMOUNT_REGEX.source})/ TRANSACTION_REGEX = /^ *(\d+) +(\d\d) ([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]) (.+[^ ]) +(#{ AMOUNT_REGEX.source }) *$/ attr_reader :start_date, :end_date, :previous_balance, :total_payments, :total_fees, :total_transactions, :new_balance, :payments, :transactions def initialize(pdf_path) @dec_from_prev_year = nil @year = nil @start_date = nil @end_date = nil @previous_balance = nil @new_balance = nil @total_payments = nil @total_transactions = nil @total_fees = nil @payments = [] @transactions = [] @fees = [] parse_from_pdf pdf_path %w{payments transactions fees}.each do |type| trxs = "@#{type}" total = "@total_#{type}" instance_variable_set(trxs, instance_variable_get(trxs).sort_by {|trx| trx[:id]}) check_total( type, instance_variable_get(total), instance_variable_get(trxs).inject(0) {|sum, trx| sum += trx[:amount]} ) end end def to_json(*args) { :start_date => @start_date, :end_date => @end_date, :previous_balance => @previous_balance, :total_payments => @total_payments, :total_fees => @total_fees, :total_transactions => @total_transactions, :new_balance => @new_balance, :payments => @payments, :transactions => @transactions, :fees => @fees }.to_json(*args) end private def parse_from_pdf(pdf_path) do |page, page_num| if @year.nil? walker =, :offset, :start_date, :end_date) do def respond_to?(_) true end def method_missing(name, *args) return unless name =~ /show_text/ if args.any? {|str| str.to_s =~ DATE_REGEX} self.offset = ($1.upcase == 'DEC' && $3.upcase == 'JAN') ? 1 : 0 self.year = $5.to_i self.start_date = Date.parse('%s-%s-%s' % [year - offset, $1, $2]) self.end_date = Date.parse('%s-%s-%s' % [year, $3, $4]) end end page.walk walker @dec_from_prev_year = walker.offset == 1 @year = walker.year @start_date = walker.start_date @end_date = walker.end_date end enum = page.text.split("\n").each loop do current_line = until (enum.peek rescue nil) != '' next_line = (enum.peek rescue nil) parse_pdf_line page_num, current_line, next_line end end end def parse_pdf_line(page_num, line, next_line) if @previous_balance.nil? amount_strs = line.scan AMOUNT_REGEX if amount_strs.size == 5 @previous_balance, @total_payments, @total_fees, @total_transactions, @new_balance = {|amount| parse_amount(amount)} @total_payments = -@total_payments end end if line =~ FEES_REGEX && $1 != '$0.00' check_billing_cycle @fees << @fees.size + 1, @end_date, "CAPITAL ONE MEMBER FEE", $1, parse_amount($1) ) end if line =~ INTEREST_REGEX && $1 != '$0.00' check_billing_cycle @fees << @fees.size + 1, @end_date, "INTEREST CHARGE:PURCHASES", $1, parse_amount($1) ) end transactions, payments = [(0..78), (80..-1)].map do |index| str = line .to_s[index].to_s next_str = next_line.to_s[index].to_s repair_transaction_line str, next_str do |str| parse_transaction(str) end.compact.partition do |trx| trx[:amount] >= 0 end @transactions += transactions @payments += payments end def repair_transaction_line(line, next_line) if next_line =~ AMOUNT_ONLY_REGEX && !(line =~ AMOUNT_REGEX) line += " #{next_line.strip}" else line end end def parse_transaction(line) return nil unless line =~ TRANSACTION_REGEX && $4 != "CAPITAL ONE MEMBER FEE" check_billing_cycle year = ($3.upcase == 'DEC' && @dec_from_prev_year) ? @year - 1 : @year date = Date.parse('%s-%s-%s' % [year, $3, $2])$1.to_i, date, $4, $5, parse_amount($5)) end def parse_amount(amount) num = amount.gsub(/[^\d.]/, '').to_f amount.start_with?(?() ? -num : num end def check_billing_cycle raise "Failed to determine billing cycle dates" if @year.nil? end def check_total(type, expected, actual) return if actual.round(2) == expected.round(2) raise "Calculated %s mismatch %.2f != %.2f" % [ type, actual, expected ] end # CapitalOneStatement::Transaction represents a single credit transaction class CapitalOneStatement::Transaction < :id, :date, :description, :amount_str, :amount ) # @!attribute id # @return [Fixnum] transaction id # # @!attribute date # @return [Date] the date of the transaction # # @!attribute description # @return [String] the description of the transaction # # @!attribute amount_str # @return [String] the dollar amount string of the transaction # # @!attribute amount # @return [Float] the dollar amount parsed into a Float, negative for payments # @return [String] JSON representation of Transaction def to_json(*args) to_h.to_json(*args) end end end