# This script is an example of how to add an index to an existing table. # require 'kirbybase' db = KirbyBase.new # If table exists, delete it. db.drop_table(:address_book) if db.table_exists?(:address_book) address_book_tbl = db.create_table(:address_book, :firstname, :String, :lastname, :String, :street_address, :String, :city, :String, :phone, :String, :category, :String) # Insert some contact info records. address_book_tbl.insert('Bruce', 'Wayne', '1234 Bat Cave', 'Gotham City', '111-111-1111', 'Super Hero') address_book_tbl.insert('Bugs', 'Bunny', '1234 Rabbit Hole', 'The Forest', '222-222-2222', 'Cartoon Character') address_book_tbl.insert('George', 'Bush', '1600 Pennsylvania Ave', 'Washington', '333-333-3333', 'President') address_book_tbl.insert('Silver', 'Surfer', '1234 Galaxy Way', 'Any City', '444-444-4444', 'Super Hero') # Select all super heros without using the index. address_book_tbl.select { |r| r.category == 'Super Hero' }.each { |r| puts '%s %s %s' % [r.firstname, r.lastname, r.phone] } puts;puts address_book_tbl.add_index(:category) # Now, do the same query, but use the category index. These # select_by_index methods are automatically created by KirbyBase when you # specify that a column be indexed. address_book_tbl.select_by_category_index { |r| r.category == 'Super Hero' }.each { |r| puts '%s %s %s' % [r.firstname, r.lastname, r.phone] } puts;puts address_book_tbl.add_index(:firstname, :lastname) # Select Bugs Bunny using the firstname+lastname index. address_book_tbl.select_by_firstname_lastname_index { |r| r.firstname == 'Bugs' and r.lastname == 'Bunny' }.each { |r| puts '%s %s %s' % [r.firstname, r.lastname, r.phone] }