require 'rest-more/test' describe RestCore::Facebook do after do WebMock.reset! RR.verify end should 'be serialized with lighten' do engines = begin require 'psych' YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych' # TODO: probably a bug? [Psych, YAML, Marshal] rescue LoadError [YAML, Marshal] end # sorry, it is marshal in 1.8 is broken if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' && RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.7' engines.pop # REE 1.8.7 end else engines.pop # MRI 1.8.7 end engines.each{ |engine| test = lambda{ |obj| engine.load(engine.dump(obj)) } rg = => lambda{}) lambda{ test[rg] }.should.raise(TypeError) test[rg.lighten].should.eq rg.lighten lambda{ test[rg] }.should.raise(TypeError) rg.lighten! test[rg.lighten].should.eq rg } end should 'lighten takes options to change attributes' do => 100 ).timeout.should.eq 100 => 'zh-TW').lang.should.eq 'zh-TW' end end