module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL `if` function. # # [121] BuiltInCall ::= ... | 'IF' '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')' # # @example SPARQL Grammar # BASE # PREFIX xsd: # SELECT ?o (IF(lang(?o) = "ja", true, false) AS ?integer) # WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } # # @example SSE # (base # (prefix ((xsd: )) # (project (?o ?integer) # (extend ((?integer (if (= (lang ?o) "ja") true false))) # (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))))) # # @see class If < Operator::Ternary include Evaluatable NAME = :if ## # The IF function form evaluates the first argument, interprets it as a effective boolean value, then returns the value of `expression2` if the EBV is true, otherwise it returns the value of `expression3`. Only one of `expression2` and `expression3` is evaluated. If evaluating the first argument raises an error, then an error is raised for the evaluation of the IF expression. # # @example # # IF(?x = 2, "yes", "no") #=> "yes" # IF(bound(?y), "yes", "no") #=> "no" # IF(?x=2, "yes", 1/?z) #=> "yes", the expression 1/?z is not evaluated # IF(?x=1, "yes", 1/?z) #=> raises an error # IF("2" > 1, "yes", "no") #=> raises an error # # Evaluates the first operand and returns the evaluation of either the second or third operands # # @param [RDF::Query::Solution] bindings # a query solution containing zero or more variable bindings # @return [RDF::Term] # @raise [TypeError] def evaluate(bindings, **options) operand(0).evaluate(bindings, **options.merge(depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1)) == RDF::Literal::TRUE ? operand(1).evaluate(bindings, **options.merge(depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1)) : operand(2).evaluate(bindings, **options.merge(depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1)) rescue raise TypeError end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) "IF(" + operands.to_sparql(delimiter: ', ', **options) + ")" end end # If end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra