require "spec_helper" require "parallel_tests/test/runner" describe ParallelTests::Test::Runner do test_tests_in_groups(ParallelTests::Test::Runner, 'test', '_test.rb') describe :run_tests do def call(*args) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.run_tests(*args) end it "uses TEST_ENV_NUMBER=blank when called for process 0" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).with{|x,y|x=~/TEST_ENV_NUMBER= /}.and_return mocked_process call(['xxx'],0,22,{}) end it "uses TEST_ENV_NUMBER=2 when called for process 1" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).with{|x,y| x=~/TEST_ENV_NUMBER=2/}.and_return mocked_process call(['xxx'],1,22,{}) end it 'sets PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS so child processes know that they are being run under parallel_tests' do ENV['PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS'] = '22' ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).with{|x,y| x=~/PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS=22/}.and_return mocked_process call(['xxx'],1,22,{}) ENV.delete('PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS') end it "allows to override runner executable via PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE" do ENV['PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE'] = 'script/custom_rspec' ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).with{|x,y| x=~/script\/custom_rspec/}.and_return mocked_process call(['xxx'],1,22,{}) ENV.delete('PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE') end it "uses options" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).with{|x,y| x=~ %r{ruby -Itest .* -- -v}}.and_return mocked_process call(['xxx'],1,22,:test_options => '-v') end it "returns the output" do io = open('spec/spec_helper.rb') $stdout.stub!(:print) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).and_return io call(['xxx'],1,22,{})[:stdout].should =~ /\$LOAD_PATH << File/ end it "does not output to stdout when serializing output" do io = open('spec/spec_helper.rb') $stdout.should_not_receive(:print) $stdout.should_not_receive(:flush) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:open).and_return io call(['xxx'],1,22,{:serialize_stdout => true})[:stdout] end end describe :test_in_groups do def call(*args) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.tests_in_groups(*args) end it "does not sort when passed false do_sort option" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_not_receive(:smallest_first) call([], 1, :group_by => :found) end it "does sort when not passed do_sort option" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.stub!(:tests_with_runtime).and_return([]) ParallelTests::Grouper.should_receive(:largest_first).and_return([]) call([], 1) end it "groups by single_process pattern and then via size" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:with_runtime_info). and_return([ ['aaa', 5], ['aaa2', 5], ['bbb', 2], ['ccc', 1], ['ddd', 1] ]) result = call([], 3, :single_process => [/^a.a/]) result.should == [["aaa", "aaa2"], ["bbb"], ["ccc", "ddd"]] end it "groups by size and adds isolated separately" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:with_runtime_info). and_return([ ['aaa', 0], ['bbb', 3], ['ccc', 1], ['ddd', 2], ['eee', 1] ]) result = call([], 3, :isolate => true, :single_process => [/^aaa/]) result.should == [["aaa"], ["bbb", "eee"], ["ccc", "ddd"]] end end describe :find_results do def call(*args) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.find_results(*args) end it "finds multiple results in test output" do output = < false).sort.should == [ "#{root}/b/b_test.rb", ] end end it "finds test files nested in different folders" do with_files(['a/a_test.rb','b/b_test.rb', 'c/c_test.rb']) do |root| call(["#{root}/a", "#{root}/b"]).sort.should == [ "#{root}/a/a_test.rb", "#{root}/b/b_test.rb", ] end end it "only finds tests in folders" do with_files(['a/a_test.rb', 'a/test.rb', 'a/test_helper.rb']) do |root| call(["#{root}/a"]).sort.should == [ "#{root}/a/a_test.rb" ] end end it "finds tests in nested folders" do with_files(['a/b/c/d/a_test.rb']) do |root| call(["#{root}/a"]).sort.should == [ "#{root}/a/b/c/d/a_test.rb" ] end end it "does not expand paths" do with_files(['a/x_test.rb']) do |root| inside_dir root do call(['a']).sort.should == [ "a/x_test.rb" ] end end end it "finds test files in folders by pattern" do with_files(['a/x_test.rb','a/y_test.rb','a/z_test.rb']) do |root| inside_dir root do call(["a"], :pattern => /^a\/(y|z)_test/).sort.should == [ "a/y_test.rb", "a/z_test.rb", ] end end end it "finds nothing if I pass nothing" do call(nil).should == [] end it "finds nothing if I pass nothing (empty array)" do call([]).should == [] end it "keeps invalid files" do call(['baz']).should == ['baz'] end it "discards duplicates" do call(['baz','baz']).should == ['baz'] end end describe :summarize_results do def call(*args) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.summarize_results(*args) end it "adds results" do call(['1 foo 3 bar','2 foo 5 bar']).should == '8 bars, 3 foos' end it "adds results with braces" do call(['1 foo(s) 3 bar(s)','2 foo 5 bar']).should == '8 bars, 3 foos' end it "adds same results with plurals" do call(['1 foo 3 bar','2 foos 5 bar']).should == '8 bars, 3 foos' end it "adds non-similar results" do call(['1 xxx 2 yyy','1 xxx 2 zzz']).should == '2 xxxs, 2 yyys, 2 zzzs' end it "does not pluralize 1" do call(['1 xxx 2 yyy']).should == '1 xxx, 2 yyys' end end end