gem 'resque' say_wizard 'Applying fix suggested in' append_file "Rakefile", "\ntask 'resque:setup' => :environment # for\n" if scroll? "eycloud_recipes_on_deploy" gem 'eycloud-scroll-resque', :group => :eycloud create_file "config/initializers/resque.rb", <<-RUBY resque_yml = File.expand_path('../../resque.yml', __FILE__) if File.exist?(resque_yml) Resque.redis = YAML.load_file(resque_yml)["redis_uri"] end RUBY end after_bundler do say_wizard 'Adding resque.rake task to lib/tasks' create_file "lib/tasks/resque.rake", <<-RAKE require 'resque/tasks' RAKE unless config['admin_secret'].blank? route <<-ROUTE require "resque/server" mount, :at => "/resque/#{config['admin_secret']}" ROUTE end if scroll? "eycloud_recipes_on_deploy" say_wizard 'Installing deploy hooks to restart resque after deploys' run "touch deploy/before_restart.rb" append_file "deploy/before_restart.rb", <<-RUBY on_app_servers_and_utilities do node[:applications].each do |app_name, data| sudo 'echo "sleep 20 && monit -g \#{app_name}_resque restart all" | at now' end end RUBY append_file "deploy/cookbooks/main/scrolls/default.rb", "\nrequire_scroll 'resque'\n" end end __END__ name: Resque description: Add Resque to handle background jobs author: drnic website: requires: [redis] run_after: [redis, eycloud_recipes_on_deploy] category: worker tags: [background, worker] exclusive: worker config: - admin: type: boolean prompt: "Install the great admin interface to Resque?" - admin_secret: type: string prompt: "Enter a secret string for the route /resque/YOUR-SECRET-STRING:" if: admin