# Version Inspector python based utility software that can be used to find the latest version information for the omnibus-software packages . ## Execute the below command to install the dependencies. $pip3 install -r requirements.txt ## SW-Version-update.py python script to get the latest version of products. command to run the script $python3 SW-Version-update.py [json] Pass 'json' as CLA for json o/p 1. checks latest version for all the products and lists the product, default version and latest version with url 2. checks for latset version for a particular product 3. List the products that needs to be checked for latest version manually ## update_prod_default_version.sh rebase your branch with main to get the latest updated version updates and execute this script, which generates update_prod_default_version.json ## update_prod_list.sh Not necessary to run all the time. ALl the product are upto date. Dont run this script until unless it is required. This script generates prod_list.json. ## manual_prod_list.json contains the list of products that needs to be checked for latest version manually.