# == Synopsis # Transfer media meta data from DvdProfiler to the format that XBMC needs it (.tbn and .nfo files) # # usage: # app = DvdProfiler2Xbmc.new # app.execute # app.report.each {|line| puts line} class DvdProfiler2Xbmc include Singleton protected # == Synopsis # protected initializer because it is a Singleton class def initialize @media_files = nil end public @interrupted = false @interrupt_message = "control-C detected, finishing current task" @multiple_profiles = [] class << self # == Synopsis # When ^C is pressed, this message is sent to stdout attr_accessor :interrupt_message # == Synopsis # An Array of Strings that the external processing my write to to # indicate that a given title has multiple ISBNs. # HACK, this is a hack because I didn't see a way to cleanly pass # the data up from the processing. attr_accessor :multiple_profiles end # == Synopsis # A trap("INT") in the Runner calls this to indicate that a ^C has been detected. # Note, once set, it is never cleared def self.interrupt AppConfig[:logger].error { @interrupt_message } @interrupted = true end # == Synopsis # Long loops should poll this method to see if they should abort # Returns:: true if the application has trapped an "INT", false otherwise def self.interrupted? @interrupted end # == Synopsis # the application's main execution loop that processes all of the media def execute AppConfig[:logger].info { "Media Directories:\n #{AppConfig[:directories].join("\n ")}" } DvdprofilerProfile.collection_filespec = AppConfig[:collection_filespec] @media_files = MediaFiles.new(AppConfig[:directories]) if AppConfig[:do_update] @media_files.titles.each do |title, medias| break if DvdProfiler2Xbmc.interrupted? medias.each do |media| # note, NfoController update must be first as it sets isbn and imdb_id for media NfoController.update(media) ThumbnailController.update(media) FanartController.update(media) end end end # set file and directory permissions AppConfig[:directories].each { |dir| set_permissions(dir) } end # == Synopsis # generate the report. # Note, must be ran after execute() # returns an array of lines def report buf = [] unless DvdProfiler2Xbmc.interrupted? unless @media_files.nil? buf += gen_report('duplicates', 'Duplicates') buf += gen_report('missing_isbns', 'Missing ISBNs') buf += gen_report('missing_imdb_ids', 'Missing IMDB IDs') buf += gen_report('missing_thumbnails', 'Missing Thumbnails') buf += gen_report('multiple_profiles', 'Multiple Profiles Found For Single Titles') end end buf end # == Synopsis # utility method that saves the given data to the filespec safely by: # 1) writes the data to a new file, # 2) deletes any previous backup file, # 3) renames the old file to a backup, # 4) renames the new file to the original filename. def self.save_to_file(filespec, data) new_filespec = filespec + AppConfig[:extensions][:new] File.open(new_filespec, "w") do |file| file.puts(data) end backup_filespec = filespec + AppConfig[:extensions][:backup] File.delete(backup_filespec) if File.exist?(backup_filespec) File.rename(filespec, backup_filespec) if File.exist?(filespec) File.rename(new_filespec, filespec) File.delete(new_filespec) if File.exist?(new_filespec) end # == Synopsis # options hash may have the following: # :extension - an extension to append to the generated filespec # :year - the production year # :resolution - the video resolution def self.generate_filespec(media_pathspec, type, options={}) filespec = nil begin basespec = File.basename(media_pathspec, ".*").gsub(AppConfig[:part_regex], '') dirname = File.dirname(media_pathspec) part = :no_part if media_pathspec =~ AppConfig[:part_regex] part = :part end extension = AppConfig[:extensions][type] year = options[:year] || '' resolution = options[:resolution] || '' if AppConfig[:naming][type].nil? filespec = File.join(dirname, basespec) unless extension.blank? filespec += extension end else format_str = AppConfig[:naming][type][part] unless format_str.blank? unless extension.blank? filespec = File.join(dirname, format_str.gsub(/%t/, basespec).gsub(/%e/, extension).gsub(/%r/, resolution).gsub(/%y/, year)) end end end unless options[:extension].blank? filespec += options[:extension] end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error in generate_filespec(#{media_pathspec}, #{type}, #{options.inspect}) - #{e.to_s}" } end filespec end protected # == Synopsis def gen_report(name, heading='') buf = [] begin lines = send("#{name}_report") unless lines.empty? buf << '' buf << heading buf += lines end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error generating #{name} report - #{e.to_s}" } end buf end # == Synopsis # set the directory and file permissions for all files and directories under # the given directory def set_permissions(dir) Dir.glob(File.join(dir, '**/*')).each do |f| begin if File.directory?(f) File.chmod(AppConfig[:dir_permissions].to_i(8), f) unless AppConfig[:dir_permissions].nil? else File.chmod(AppConfig[:file_permissions].to_i(8), f) unless AppConfig[:file_permissions].nil? end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error {e.to_s} end end end # == Synopsis # duplicate media file report def duplicates_report buf = [] duplicates = @media_files.duplicate_titles unless duplicates.empty? duplicates.each do |title, medias| if medias.length > 1 buf << title medias.each {|media| buf << " #{media.media_path}"} end end end buf end # == Synopsis # unable to find ISBN for these titles report def missing_isbns_report buf = [] @media_files.titles.each do |title, medias| if medias.nil? buf << "No media for #{title}" else if medias[0].isbn.nil? paths = [] medias.each do |media| unless File.exist? media.path_to(:no_isbn) paths << " #{media.media_path}" end end unless paths.empty? buf += paths end end end end buf end # == Synopsis def missing_imdb_ids_report buf = [] @media_files.titles.each do |title, medias| if medias.nil? buf << "No media for #{title}" else medias.each do |media| if media.imdb_id.blank? buf << " #{title}" break end end end end buf end # == Synopsis def missing_thumbnails_report buf = [] @media_files.titles.each do |title, medias| if medias.nil? buf << "No media for #{title}" else medias.each do |media| thumbnail = media.path_to(:thumbnail) unless File.exist?(thumbnail) buf << " #{thumbnail} #{media.imdb_id.nil? ? '' : media.imdb_id}" end end end end buf end # == Synopsis def multiple_profiles_report @multiple_profiles end end