require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper.rb") describe Quickbooks::Config do #describe "configuration helpers" do #it "should return the supported schema types" do #valid_schema_types.should be_an_instance_of(Array) #valid_schema_types.include?(:qb).should be_true #valid_schema_types.include?(:qbpos).should be_true #end #it "should check if a particular schema type is supported" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #valid_schema_type?.should be_true #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #valid_schema_type?.should be_true #self.stub!(:schema_type => :doesntexist) #valid_schema_type?.should == false #end #it "should determine the dtd file path for any supported schema type" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #File.exists?(dtd_file).should be_true #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #File.exists?(dtd_file).should be_true #end #it "should determine the namespace for any supported schema type" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #schema_namespace.should be_a_kind_of(Module) #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #schema_namespace.should be_a_kind_of(Module) #end #it "should determine the container class for any supported schema type" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #container_class.should == 'QBXML' #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #schema_namespace.should == 'QBPOSXML' #end #end #describe "other helpers" do #before :all do #@qb_api = #@qbpos_api = #end #it "should return all the cached classes" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #cached_classes.should be_an_instance_of(Array) #cached_classes.empty?.should be_false #cached_classes.include?(container_class).should be_true #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #cached_classes.should be_an_instance_of(Array) #cached_classes.empty?.should be_false #cached_classes.include?(container_class).should be_true #end #it "should check if a particular class is cached" do #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qb) #is_cached_class?(Quickbooks::QBXML::QBXML).should be_true #self.stub!(:schema_type => :qbpos) #is_cached_class?(Quickbooks::QBPOSXML::QBPOSXML).should be_true #end #end end