require "open3" require "rainbow" require_relative "../utils/project" module Utils def encode_and_split(encoding, text) # Convert text to UTF-8 deleting unknown chars text ||= "" # Ensure text is not nil flag = [:default, "UTF-8"].include? encoding return text.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace).split("\n") if flag # Convert text from input ENCODING to UTF-8 ec =, "UTF-8") begin text = ec.convert(text) rescue => e warn "[ERROR] #{e}" warn " Suggest declare text encoding, for example:" warn " run 'command', on: :host, :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1'" end text.split("\n") end def my_execute(cmd, encoding = "UTF-8") # TODO: mover a la clase ExecuteManager return {exitstatus: 0, content: ""} if Project.debug? begin text, status = Open3.capture2e(cmd) exitstatus = status.exitstatus rescue => e verbose Rainbow("!").green text = e.to_s exitstatus = 1 end content = encode_and_split(encoding, text) {exitstatus: exitstatus, content: content} end end