# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "google/cloud/bigquery/version" require "google/cloud/errors" require "google/apis/bigquery_v2" require "pathname" require "digest/md5" require "mime/types" module Google module Cloud module Bigquery ## # @private Represents the Bigquery service and API calls. class Service ## # Alias to the Google Client API module API = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2 # @private attr_accessor :project # @private attr_accessor :credentials ## # Creates a new Service instance. def initialize project, credentials, retries: nil, timeout: nil @project = project @credentials = credentials @credentials = credentials @service = API::BigqueryService.new @service.client_options.application_name = "google-cloud-bigquery" @service.client_options.application_version = \ Google::Cloud::Bigquery::VERSION @service.request_options.retries = retries || 3 @service.request_options.timeout_sec = timeout @service.request_options.open_timeout_sec = timeout @service.authorization = @credentials.client end def service return mocked_service if mocked_service @service end attr_accessor :mocked_service ## # Lists all datasets in the specified project to which you have # been granted the READER dataset role. def list_datasets options = {} execute do service.list_datasets \ @project, all: options[:all], max_results: options[:max], page_token: options[:token] end end ## # Returns the dataset specified by datasetID. def get_dataset dataset_id execute { service.get_dataset @project, dataset_id } end ## # Creates a new empty dataset. def insert_dataset new_dataset_gapi execute { service.insert_dataset @project, new_dataset_gapi } end ## # Updates information in an existing dataset, only replacing # fields that are provided in the submitted dataset resource. def patch_dataset dataset_id, patched_dataset_gapi execute do service.patch_dataset @project, dataset_id, patched_dataset_gapi end end ## # Deletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. # Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, # either manually or by specifying force: true in options. # Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with # the same name. def delete_dataset dataset_id, force = nil execute do service.delete_dataset @project, dataset_id, delete_contents: force end end ## # Lists all tables in the specified dataset. # Requires the READER dataset role. def list_tables dataset_id, options = {} execute do service.list_tables @project, dataset_id, max_results: options[:max], page_token: options[:token] end end def get_project_table project_id, dataset_id, table_id execute { service.get_table project_id, dataset_id, table_id } end ## # Gets the specified table resource by table ID. # This method does not return the data in the table, # it only returns the table resource, # which describes the structure of this table. def get_table dataset_id, table_id execute { get_project_table @project, dataset_id, table_id } end ## # Creates a new, empty table in the dataset. def insert_table dataset_id, new_table_gapi execute { service.insert_table @project, dataset_id, new_table_gapi } end ## # Updates information in an existing table, replacing fields that # are provided in the submitted table resource. def patch_table dataset_id, table_id, patched_table_gapi execute do service.patch_table @project, dataset_id, table_id, patched_table_gapi end end ## # Deletes the table specified by tableId from the dataset. # If the table contains data, all the data will be deleted. def delete_table dataset_id, table_id execute { service.delete_table @project, dataset_id, table_id } end ## # Retrieves data from the table. def list_tabledata dataset_id, table_id, options = {} execute do service.list_table_data @project, dataset_id, table_id, max_results: options.delete(:max), page_token: options.delete(:token), start_index: options.delete(:start) end end def insert_tabledata dataset_id, table_id, rows, options = {} insert_rows = Array(rows).map do |row| Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::InsertAllTableDataRequest::Row.new( insert_id: Digest::MD5.base64digest(row.inspect), # Hash[row.map{|(k,v)| [k.to_s,v]}] for Hash json: row ) end insert_req = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::InsertAllTableDataRequest.new( rows: insert_rows, ignore_unknown_values: options[:ignore_unknown], skip_invalid_rows: options[:skip_invalid] ) execute do service.insert_all_table_data( @project, dataset_id, table_id, insert_req) end end ## # Lists all jobs in the specified project to which you have # been granted the READER job role. def list_jobs options = {} execute do service.list_jobs \ @project, all_users: options[:all], max_results: options[:max], page_token: options[:token], projection: "full", state_filter: options[:filter] end end ## # Returns the job specified by jobID. def get_job job_id execute { service.get_job @project, job_id } end def insert_job config job_object = API::Job.new( configuration: config ) execute { service.insert_job @project, job_object } end def query_job query, options = {} config = query_table_config(query, options) execute { service.insert_job @project, config } end def query query, options = {} execute { service.query_job @project, query_config(query, options) } end ## # Returns the query data for the job def job_query_results job_id, options = {} execute do service.get_job_query_results @project, job_id, max_results: options.delete(:max), page_token: options.delete(:token), start_index: options.delete(:start), timeout_ms: options.delete(:timeout) end end def copy_table source, target, options = {} execute do service.insert_job @project, copy_table_config( source, target, options) end end def extract_table table, storage_files, options = {} execute do service.insert_job \ @project, extract_table_config(table, storage_files, options) end end def load_table_gs_url dataset_id, table_id, url, options = {} execute do service.insert_job \ @project, load_table_url_config(dataset_id, table_id, url, options) end end def load_table_file dataset_id, table_id, file, options = {} execute do service.insert_job \ @project, load_table_file_config( dataset_id, table_id, file, options), upload_source: file, content_type: mime_type_for(file) end end ## # Extracts at least `tbl` group, and possibly `dts` and `prj` groups, # from strings in the formats: "my_table", "my_dataset.my_table", or # "my-project:my_dataset.my_table". Then merges project_id and # dataset_id from the default table if they are missing. def self.table_ref_from_s str, default_table_ref str = str.to_s m = /\A(((?\S*):)?(?\S*)\.)?(?\S*)\z/.match str unless m fail ArgumentError, "unable to identify table from #{str.inspect}" end str_table_ref_hash = { project_id: m["prj"], dataset_id: m["dts"], table_id: m["tbl"] }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } new_table_ref_hash = default_table_ref.to_h.merge str_table_ref_hash Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableReference.new new_table_ref_hash end def inspect "#{self.class}(#{@project})" end protected def table_ref_from tbl return nil if tbl.nil? API::TableReference.new( project_id: tbl.project_id, dataset_id: tbl.dataset_id, table_id: tbl.table_id ) end def dataset_ref_from dts, pjt = nil return nil if dts.nil? if dts.respond_to? :dataset_id API::DatasetReference.new( project_id: (pjt || dts.project_id || @project), dataset_id: dts.dataset_id ) else API::DatasetReference.new( project_id: (pjt || @project), dataset_id: dts ) end end def load_table_file_opts dataset_id, table_id, file, options = {} path = Pathname(file).to_path { destination_table: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableReference.new( project_id: @project, dataset_id: dataset_id, table_id: table_id), create_disposition: create_disposition(options[:create]), write_disposition: write_disposition(options[:write]), source_format: source_format(path, options[:format]), projection_fields: projection_fields(options[:projection_fields]), allow_jagged_rows: options[:jagged_rows], allow_quoted_newlines: options[:quoted_newlines], encoding: options[:encoding], field_delimiter: options[:delimiter], ignore_unknown_values: options[:ignore_unknown], max_bad_records: options[:max_bad_records], quote: options[:quote], schema: options[:schema], skip_leading_rows: options[:skip_leading] }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } end def load_table_file_config dataset_id, table_id, file, options = {} load_opts = load_table_file_opts dataset_id, table_id, file, options API::Job.new( configuration: API::JobConfiguration.new( load: API::JobConfigurationLoad.new(load_opts), dry_run: options[:dryrun] ) ) end def load_table_url_opts dataset_id, table_id, url, options = {} { destination_table: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableReference.new( project_id: @project, dataset_id: dataset_id, table_id: table_id), source_uris: Array(url), create_disposition: create_disposition(options[:create]), write_disposition: write_disposition(options[:write]), source_format: source_format(url, options[:format]), projection_fields: projection_fields(options[:projection_fields]), allow_jagged_rows: options[:jagged_rows], allow_quoted_newlines: options[:quoted_newlines], encoding: options[:encoding], field_delimiter: options[:delimiter], ignore_unknown_values: options[:ignore_unknown], max_bad_records: options[:max_bad_records], quote: options[:quote], schema: options[:schema], skip_leading_rows: options[:skip_leading] }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } end def load_table_url_config dataset_id, table_id, url, options = {} load_opts = load_table_url_opts dataset_id, table_id, url, options API::Job.new( configuration: API::JobConfiguration.new( load: API::JobConfigurationLoad.new(load_opts), dry_run: options[:dryrun] ) ) end ## # Job description for query job def query_table_config query, options dest_table = table_ref_from options[:table] default_dataset = dataset_ref_from options[:dataset] API::Job.new( configuration: API::JobConfiguration.new( query: API::JobConfigurationQuery.new( query: query, # tableDefinitions: { ... }, priority: priority_value(options[:priority]), use_query_cache: options[:cache], destination_table: dest_table, create_disposition: create_disposition(options[:create]), write_disposition: write_disposition(options[:write]), allow_large_results: options[:large_results], flatten_results: options[:flatten], default_dataset: default_dataset ) ) ) end def query_config query, options = {} dataset_config = dataset_ref_from options[:dataset], options[:project] API::QueryRequest.new( query: query, max_results: options[:max], default_dataset: dataset_config, timeout_ms: options[:timeout], dry_run: options[:dryrun], use_query_cache: options[:cache] ) end ## # Job description for copy job def copy_table_config source, target, options = {} API::Job.new( configuration: API::JobConfiguration.new( copy: API::JobConfigurationTableCopy.new( source_table: source, destination_table: target, create_disposition: create_disposition(options[:create]), write_disposition: write_disposition(options[:write]) ), dry_run: options[:dryrun] ) ) end def extract_table_config table, storage_files, options = {} storage_urls = Array(storage_files).map do |url| url.respond_to?(:to_gs_url) ? url.to_gs_url : url end dest_format = source_format storage_urls.first, options[:format] API::Job.new( configuration: API::JobConfiguration.new( extract: API::JobConfigurationExtract.new( destination_uris: Array(storage_urls), source_table: table, destination_format: dest_format, compression: options[:compression], field_delimiter: options[:delimiter], print_header: options[:header] ), dry_run: options[:dryrun] ) ) end def create_disposition str { "create_if_needed" => "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "createifneeded" => "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "if_needed" => "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "needed" => "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "create_never" => "CREATE_NEVER", "createnever" => "CREATE_NEVER", "never" => "CREATE_NEVER" }[str.to_s.downcase] end def write_disposition str { "write_truncate" => "WRITE_TRUNCATE", "writetruncate" => "WRITE_TRUNCATE", "truncate" => "WRITE_TRUNCATE", "write_append" => "WRITE_APPEND", "writeappend" => "WRITE_APPEND", "append" => "WRITE_APPEND", "write_empty" => "WRITE_EMPTY", "writeempty" => "WRITE_EMPTY", "empty" => "WRITE_EMPTY" }[str.to_s.downcase] end def priority_value str { "batch" => "BATCH", "interactive" => "INTERACTIVE" }[str.to_s.downcase] end def source_format path, format val = { "csv" => "CSV", "json" => "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON", "newline_delimited_json" => "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON", "avro" => "AVRO", "datastore" => "DATASTORE_BACKUP", "datastore_backup" => "DATASTORE_BACKUP" }[format.to_s.downcase] return val unless val.nil? return nil if path.nil? return "CSV" if path.end_with? ".csv" return "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON" if path.end_with? ".json" return "AVRO" if path.end_with? ".avro" return "DATASTORE_BACKUP" if path.end_with? ".backup_info" nil end def projection_fields array_or_str Array(array_or_str) unless array_or_str.nil? end def mime_type_for file mime_type = MIME::Types.of(Pathname(file).to_path).first.to_s return nil if mime_type.empty? mime_type rescue nil end def execute yield rescue Google::Apis::Error => e raise Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e) end end end end end