{ "id": "group-labelledby", "evaluate": "group-labelledby.js", "after": "group-labelledby-after.js", "deprecated": true, "metadata": { "impact": "critical", "messages": { "pass": "Elements with the name \"${data.name}\" have both a shared label, and a unique label, referenced through aria-labelledby", "fail": { "default": "Elements with the name \"${data.name}\" do not all have both a shared label, and a unique label referenced through aria-labelledby", "no-shared-label": "Elements with the name \"${data.name}\" do not all have a shared label referenced through aria-labelledby", "no-unique-label": "Elements with the name \"${data.name}\" do not all have a unique label referenced through aria-labelledby" } } } }