@disable-bundler Feature: integrate with application Background: When I successfully run "rails new testapp" And I cd to "testapp" And I remove the file "public/index.html" And I remove the file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" And I configure ActionMailer to use "localhost" as a host And I configure a root route And I add the "cucumber-rails" gem And I add the "capybara" gem And I add the "rspec-rails" gem And I add the "formtastic" gem And I add the "factory_girl_rails" gem And I add the "dynamic_form" gem And I add the "clearance" gem from this project And I add the "diesel" gem And I run "bundle install --local" And I successfully run "rails generate cucumber:install" And I disable Capybara Javascript emulation And I successfully run "rails generate clearance:features" Scenario: generate a Rails app, run the generators, and run the tests When I successfully run "rails generate clearance:install" Then the output should contain "Next steps" When I successfully run "rake db:migrate --trace" And I successfully run "rake --trace" Then the output should contain "passed" And the output should not contain "failed" And the output should not contain "Could not find generator" Scenario: Developer already has a users table in their database When I write to "db/migrate/001_create_users.rb" with: """ class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table(:users) do |t| t.string :email t.string :name end end def self.down end end """ And I successfully run "rake db:migrate --trace" And I successfully run "rails generate clearance:install" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate --trace" And I successfully run "rake --trace" Then the output should contain "passed" And the output should not contain "failed" And the output should not contain "Could not find generator"