module Birdspotting::SchemaStatements def add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) add_column_position_check(options) encoding_check(column_name, type, options) super end def rename_column(*args, **kwargs) rename_column_check(kwargs) super(*args) end def remove_column(table_name, column_name, type = nil, options = {}) remove_column_check(column_name, table_name, options) super(table_name, column_name, type, options) end private def rename_column_check(options) return if bypass_check?(options) return unless Birdspotting.configuration.rename_column_check? raise Birdspotting::RenameColumnForbiddenError, Birdspotting.configuration.rename_column_message end def add_column_position_check(options) return if bypass_check?(options) return unless Birdspotting.configuration.add_column_position_check? return unless options[:after].nil? && options[:first].nil? raise Birdspotting::ColumnPositionMissingError, "The :after or :first option is required when adding columns" end def encoding_check(column_name, type, options) return if bypass_check?(options) return unless Birdspotting.configuration.encoding_check? return unless %i[text string].include?(type) STDERR.puts sprintf( Birdspotting.configuration.encoding_check_message, type: type, column_name: column_name ) end def remove_column_check(column_name, table_name, options) return if bypass_check?(options) return unless Birdspotting.configuration.remove_column_check? model = model_for(table_name) unless model raise Birdspotting::ModelNotFoundError, "No model for `#{table_name}` table could be found. " \ "Is the associated model preloaded?" \ "Call the model at the beginning of the migration to ensure it is loaded." \ "Or use the :bypass_schema_statements_check option " \ "if you're sure of what you are doing." end if # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause raise Birdspotting::RemoveColumnForbiddenError, "`#{column_name}` column should be added to ignored_columns in `#{}` model" \ " before being removed. Use #{Birdspotting.configuration.check_bypass_env_var}" \ " env variable if you're sure of what you are doing." end end def model_for(table_name) model = ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.find { |t| t.table_name == table_name.to_s } model || begin table_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue StandardError nil end end def bypass_check?(options = {}) checkable_version? || options.delete(:bypass_schema_statements_check) || ENV.key?(Birdspotting.configuration.check_bypass_env_var) end def checkable_version? version && Birdspotting.configuration.start_check_at_version && version <= Birdspotting.configuration.start_check_at_version end end