# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'metasm' require 'rex/compat' require 'rex/text/table' require 'rex/text/color' module Rex module RopBuilder class RopBase include Rex::Text::Color def initialize() @gadgets = [] end def to_csv(gadgets = []) if gadgets.empty? and @gadgets.nil? or @gadgets.empty? print_error("No gadgets collected to convert to CSV format.") return end # allow the users to import gadget collections from multiple files if @gadgets.empty? or @gadgets.nil? @gadgets = gadgets end table = Rex::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "#{@file} ROP Gadgets", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "Address", "Raw", "Disassembly", ]) @gadgets.each do |gadget| table << [gadget[:address], gadget[:raw].unpack('H*')[0], gadget[:disasm].gsub(/\n/, ' | ')] end return table.to_csv end def import(file) begin data = File.new(file, 'r').read rescue print_error("Error reading #{file}") return [] end if data.empty? or data.nil? return [] end data.gsub!(/\"/, '') data.gsub!("Address,Raw,Disassembly\n", '') @gadgets = [] data.each_line do |line| addr, raw, disasm = line.split(',', 3) if addr.nil? or raw.nil? or disasm.nil? print_error("Import file format corrupted") return [] end disasm.gsub!(/: /, ":\t") disasm.gsub!(' | ', "\n") raw = [raw].pack('H*') @gadgets << {:file => file, :address => addr, :raw => raw, :disasm => disasm.chomp!} end @gadgets end def supports_color? true end def print_error(msg = '') print_msg("%bld%red[-]%clr #{msg}") end def print_msg(msg, color=true) if color msg = substitute_colors(msg) end puts msg end def print_status(msg = '') print_msg("%bld%blu[*]%clr #{msg}") end end class RopCollect < RopBase def initialize(file="") @file = file if not file.empty? @bin = Metasm::AutoExe.decode_file(file) if not file.empty? @disassembler = @bin.disassembler if not @bin.nil? if @disassembler @disassembler.cpu = Metasm::Ia32.new('386_common') end super() end def collect(depth, pattern) matches = [] gadgets = [] # find matches by scanning for the pattern matches = @disassembler.pattern_scan(pattern) if @bin.kind_of?(Metasm::PE) @bin.sections.each do |section| next if section.characteristics.include? 'MEM_EXECUTE' # delete matches if the address is outside the virtual address space matches.delete_if do |ea| va = section.virtaddr + @bin.optheader.image_base ea >= va and ea < va + section.virtsize end end elsif @bin.kind_of?(Metasm::ELF) @bin.segments.each do |seg| next if seg.flags.include? 'X' matches.delete_if do |ea| ea >= seg.vaddr and ea < seg.vaddr + seg.memsz end end elsif @bin.kind_of?(Metasm::MachO) @bin.segments.each do |seg| next if seg.initprot.include? 'EXECUTE' matches.delete_if do |ea| ea >= seg.virtaddr and ea < seg.virtaddr + seg.filesize end end end gadgets = process_gadgets(matches, depth) gadgets.each do |gadget| @gadgets << gadget end gadgets end def pattern_search(pattern) p = Regexp.new("(" + pattern + ")") matches = [] @gadgets.each do |gadget| disasm = "" addrs = [] gadget[:disasm].each_line do |line| addr, asm = line.split("\t", 2) addrs << addr disasm << asm end if gadget[:raw] =~ p or gadget[:disasm] =~ p or disasm =~ p matches << {:gadget => gadget, :disasm => disasm, :addrs => addrs} end end matches.each do |match| print_status("gadget with address: %bld%cya#{match[:gadget][:address]}%clr matched") color_pattern(match[:gadget], match[:disasm], match[:addrs], p) end matches end def color_pattern(gadget, disasm, addrs, p) idx = disasm.index(p) if idx.nil? print_msg(gadget[:disasm]) return end disasm = disasm.insert(idx, "%bld%grn") asm = "" cnt = 0 colors = false disasm.each_line do |line| # if we find this then we are in the matching area if line.index(/\%bld\%grn/) colors = true end asm << "%clr" + addrs[cnt] + "\t" # color the remaining parts of the gadget if colors and line.index("%bld%grn").nil? asm << "%bld%grn" + line else asm << line end cnt += 1 end asm << "%clr\n" print_msg(asm) end def process_gadgets(rets, num) ret = {} gadgets = [] tmp = [] rets.each do |ea| insn = @disassembler.disassemble_instruction(ea) next if not insn xtra = insn.bin_length num.downto(0) do |x| addr = ea - x # get the disassembled instruction at this address di = @disassembler.disassemble_instruction(addr) # skip invalid instructions next if not di next if di.opcode.props[:setip] next if di.opcode.props[:stopexec] # get raw bytes buf = @disassembler.read_raw_data(addr, x + xtra) # make sure disassembling forward leads to our instruction next if not ends_with_addr(buf, addr, ea) dasm = "" while addr <= ea di = @disassembler.disassemble_instruction(addr) dasm << ("0x%08x:\t" % addr) + di.instruction.to_s + "\n" addr = addr + di.bin_length end if not tmp.include?(ea) tmp << ea else next end # otherwise, we create a new tailchunk and add it to the list ret = {:file => @file, :address => ("0x%08x" % (ea - x)), :raw => buf, :disasm => dasm} gadgets << ret end end gadgets end private def ends_with_addr(raw, base, addr) dasm2 = Metasm::Shellcode.decode(raw, @disassembler.cpu).disassembler offset = 0 while ((di = dasm2.disassemble_instruction(offset))) return true if (base + offset) == addr return false if di.opcode.props[:setip] return false if di.opcode.props[:stopexec] offset = di.next_addr end false end def raw_instructions(raw) insns = [] d2 = Metasm::Shellcode.decode(raw, @disassembler.cpu).disassembler addr = 0 while ((di = d2.disassemble_instruction(addr))) insns << di.instruction addr = di.next_addr end insns end end end end