## 15.1.2
* Use string-based keys rather than symbols when manipulating
  tuple hashes for tags on an artefact.

## 15.1.1
* Allow archiving of siblings with validation errors

## 15.1.0
* Add draft tag functionality to `Tag.by_tag_id/s`.
* Permit tag type to be provided via an options
  hash, while retaining backwards compatibility.

## 15.0.0
* Refactor tags.
* Provide draft functionality in the `taggable` trait.

## 14.1.1
* Use another way to transition Editions without

## 14.1.0
* Edition errors should not block receiving of
  fact check response, and related state transition.

## 14.0.1
* Valdations for Business support scheme dates.

## 14.0.0
* Remove `Attachment` model.

## 13.4.0

* Allow new formats for aaib_report and cma_case for an Artefact

## 13.3.0

* Adds a `state` field to `Tag`.

## 13.2.1

* Assigning an edition doesn't require the entire edition
  to be validated and saved. Hence replacing it with a
  set operation.

## 13.2.0

* Denormalising users doesn't require the entire edition
  to be validated and saved. Hence replacing it with a
  set operation.

## 13.1.0

* Perform link validation everytime an edition is saved,
  irrespective of which fields changed.

## 13.0.0

* Bundle metadata fields for `RenderedSpecialistDocument` into a single
  `details` hash.

## 12.4.0

* Allow new drafts to be created from published
  editions having link validation errors.

## 12.3.0

* Show all relevant errors in LinkValidator.

## 12.2.0

* Add ManualChangeHistory model and artefact kind.

## 12.1.0

* Add LinkValidator, which checks that links in Govspeak fields are properly
  formed and do not contain title text or rel=external. Remove
  GovspeakSmartQuotesFixer which is irrelevant now title text is no longer

## 12.0.0

* Remove `SpecialistDocumentEdition` model. It is only used by the
  specialist-publisher and is a concern of that application and how it handles
  versioning documents.

## 11.4.0

* Add `RenderedManual` model.

## 11.3.0

* When an artefact is saved, no longer attempt to update attributes on the
  edition model - with the exception of the slug field, which will only be
  updated when the artefact is in draft state.

## 11.2.0

* Added manual and manual-section formats with custom slug validation.

## 11.1.0

* Add area field to business support editions.

## 11.0.1

*  Destroying an edition lets siblings know.

## 11.0.0

*  Remove fact check logic from the `Edition` model, since it only belongs in

## 10.5.0

*  Add Corporate information pages to Whitehall formats.

## 10.4.2

*  Making Artefact.relatable_items a scope so that it can be chained.

## 10.4.1

*  Fix tag validation; tags slugs may only contain `/` if they're a child tag.

## 10.4.0

* Add support for updating existing attachments

## 10.3.0

*  Add artefacts for specialist sector tags

## 10.2.2

-  Prevent a Mongo error when tag_ids are set to nil

## 10.2.0

* Adding a nil check around `need_ids` field in validations and using the correct gem version number to reflect the new feature that got added in 10.1.1.

## 10.1.2

* Use `\A\z` anchors instead of `^$` in need ID validation regex

## 10.1.1

* Allow an artefact to be associated with multiple needs

## 10.1.0

* Add `previous_edition_differences` method to simplify working with change histories.

## 10.0.0

* Add validation for tag IDs

## 9.0.1

* Bugfix: `whole_body` can return nil for CompletedTransactionEdition because the body field is no longer used.

## 9.0.0

* Removes `business_support_identifier` field from BusinessSupportEdition.

## 8.10.0

* Adds a flag to `attaches` to have the `Attachable`
mixin add a {field}_url attribute containing the
attachment's public URL.

## 8.9.0

* Add label fields to RenderedSpecialistDocument

## 8.8.0

* Add two new formats from Whitehall; Notice and Decision.

## 8.6.0

* add `RenderedSpecialistDocument#create_or_update_by_slug!` and `RenderedSpecialistDocument#find_by_slug`

## 8.4.1

* Bugfix: Prevent rails dev-mode reloading from clearing configuration of
  Attachable api client.

## 8.4.0

Add support for attachments to SpecialistDocumentEdition.

## 8.3.1

Added `Edition#locked_for_edits?`

## 8.3.0

Add `editors_note` field to the edition model

## 8.2.0
* Added support for publishing editions in the future
* Removed #capitalized_state_name, in favor of #status_text which shows a publish_at time for editions scheduled for publishing

## 8.1.0

This adds a new tag type for an artefact called "organisations".

## 8.0.0
* Remove `lined_up` state and `start_work` transition
* `draft` is the new default state
* Editions can now be transitioned from Out for fact check and Ready to Amends needed
* Fact check received can transition back to Out for fact check

## 7.2.1

Added Finder artefact kind

## 7.2.0

## 6.4.0

Added SpecialistDocumentEdition

## 6.1.0

makes this gem compatible with gds-sso (9.2.0)
by adding the organisation_slug to User.